Should I do any other x readers? If so give me a name and the show/game/fandom the character if from!
on July 22, 2020

MY CAT AND I WERE JUST CUDDLING! I go to unplug my computer and she moves my hand away! When I finnally do unplug my computer she start chewing on my charger! I tell her "don't chew on that" and move her away from it for safety reasons! She simply looks at me and says "MEOW!" she gets up and runs away! I pick her back up to cuddle with me and I ask "Can I cuddle you now?" She Meows again but I kid you not it sounded like she said "NO!"
on July 20, 2020

I'm almost thirteen tho but emotionally I would say this is correct!
on July 18, 2020

My mom keeps telling me I'm such a good actor because she saw one of my shows! I have been acting happy my whole life and no one noticed! It's funny how she see's me as her happy little girl! When really I indentify as they/them and I told her this! I also told her that I have needed to talk to someone since I was 7! I'm now almost 13 and she just now got me help! I MUST REALLY BE A GOOD ACTOR!
on July 17, 2020

I am getting glasses today! finally I have needed glasses since first grade (I'm in 7th btw!) I AM VERY HAPPY CAUSE I WILL SEE NOW!

Okay news flash I get my glasses in like three weeks I gut got the frame picked out today~
on July 16, 2020
on July 16, 2020


This is true, and I'm glad the Lgbtq community got so well known, just 1 prob.... I can't decide on bi or pan
on August 06, 2020
on July 14, 2020