I have been at a sleep over and I was on lively I was the camera girl
on July 08, 2016

on July 05, 2016

on July 04, 2016

I miss the 10th doctor he is my favorite in doctor who

David Tennant is going to be at Tampa Comic Con. I'm going there in August. I can't promise pictures, though.
on July 03, 2016
on July 03, 2016

let me till you a story of a moues name dalory yeah dalory was a moues in a big brown house she called her self an hoe with the munny munny flow but f*ck that little moues I am a albatraoz
on July 01, 2016

5 likes for:
when you are sad :
when you are mad :
when you wont love:
when your fan girling out:
when you get up creepy: See More
when you get happy:
when a killer is after you:
when you are sad :
when you are mad :
when you wont love:
when your fan girling out:
when you get up creepy: See More
when you get happy:
when a killer is after you:
on June 28, 2016

ok I am going to post a pic of me and I wont you guys to give me your beast insult
on June 28, 2016

if I find you naked~*ran as fast as sonic the hag hog*aaaaaaahhhhh I am so sorry
~If I caught you watching Boku no Pico~go get out you know that was a crime
if I meat you Irl ~ OMG it is you*fan girls so hard
if you kiss my neak~0/////0 wtf are you doing
if toy touch my privet ~bich you cant have this
if you have a gun to your head and your finger on the trigger(sorry is this triggers some one)~no no this will not help(takes gun) I need you hear
if you pean me to a bed~0///////0 See More what are you doning no no don't do it I am only 13
~If I caught you watching Boku no Pico~go get out you know that was a crime
if I meat you Irl ~ OMG it is you*fan girls so hard
if you kiss my neak~0/////0 wtf are you doing
if toy touch my privet ~bich you cant have this
if you have a gun to your head and your finger on the trigger(sorry is this triggers some one)~no no this will not help(takes gun) I need you hear
if you pean me to a bed~0///////0 See More what are you doning no no don't do it I am only 13
on June 26, 2016

you guys I am going to a carnival if you wont you can go it is at litte sisters of the poor it is only 20 dollars and they have worter slides and ice cream
on June 26, 2016

on June 26, 2016

you tripped and fill I grabbed you hair and I gouged out both you eyes my family is dead you hart with dread when I come to your home town........I can and stabbed you ballllls I even sleat you throat and arms and all I did was say go to sleep yeah bi*h time for you to sleep
on June 24, 2016