tans_daddy_SaNs_da_meme - Page 57

Yo dude...I'm 20....don't f**king touch my pizza rolls you child
Omfg yes
tans_daddy_SaNs_da_meme's Photo 0
on January 20, 2017
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Alexis: now all I need is a sword
tans_daddy_SaNs_da_meme's Photo 0
on January 20, 2017
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on January 19, 2017
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Look at what I did to my face
tans_daddy_SaNs_da_meme's Photo 0
on January 19, 2017
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I am leaning wing ding
tans_daddy_SaNs_da_meme's Photo 0
on January 19, 2017
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on January 18, 2017
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Canter is not s good thing help sport it and
tans_daddy_SaNs_da_meme's Photo 0
on January 17, 2017
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tans_daddy_SaNs_da_meme's Photo 1
on January 17, 2017
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tans_daddy_SaNs_da_meme's Photo 2
on January 17, 2017
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on January 16, 2017
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on January 16, 2017
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You remind me of her ver.2
tans_daddy_SaNs_da_meme's Photo 0
on January 15, 2017
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on January 15, 2017
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on January 15, 2017
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on January 15, 2017
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Why do bad thing happen to me
on January 15, 2017
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Thanks dad now I am in a happy papy mood
on January 14, 2017
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Look at the guy be hind the one drinking
tans_daddy_SaNs_da_meme's Photo 7
on January 14, 2017
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on January 14, 2017
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tans_daddy_SaNs_da_meme's Photo 0
on January 14, 2017
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