tans_daddy_SaNs_da_meme - Page 51

Yo dude...I'm 20....don't f**king touch my pizza rolls you child
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on March 29, 2017
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on March 29, 2017
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on March 29, 2017
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on March 29, 2017
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So true it speaks to me
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on March 29, 2017
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on March 29, 2017
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on March 29, 2017
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on March 29, 2017
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on March 29, 2017
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on March 29, 2017
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WOW *coughs up blood*
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on March 29, 2017
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on March 28, 2017
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on March 28, 2017
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I spammed my friend
on March 24, 2017
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I am with my best friend shay shay
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on March 24, 2017
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Rp any one
He looked around and still can't see it " first the hat
on March 24, 2017
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"Ok we need to save the Zelda no one knows but she is in danger and one of the thing I need to help her with was in my hat" he said happily
on March 24, 2017
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"Oh well I need t look for it thank you very much if you like you may join me on my quest" he said looking around
on March 24, 2017
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"Oh well your welcome" pats his head and feels that his hat is gone "my hat where?" He thinks out loud
on March 24, 2017
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"Oh yeah here" he takes it off and gives it to her. "It looks like you are getting even colder than me so you do need it"
on March 24, 2017
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on March 22, 2017
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11months cool
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on March 21, 2017
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on March 20, 2017
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on March 20, 2017
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on March 20, 2017
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