tans_daddy_SaNs_da_meme - Page 45

Yo dude...I'm 20....don't f**king touch my pizza rolls you child
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I want this
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on April 11, 2017
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on April 11, 2017
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on April 11, 2017
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tans_daddy_SaNs_da_meme's Photo 5
on April 10, 2017
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on April 10, 2017
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on April 10, 2017
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on April 10, 2017
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I have sined.......
tans_daddy_SaNs_da_meme's Photo 2
on April 10, 2017
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Chapter-3~good girl
Chapter-3~good girl
You look into his nonexistent eyes as he loosened the collar on your neck. You knew what was going on and you tried to fight and struggle but no luck his was stronger than you….this is it I was going to be raped and I did nuthing to get this I should have pulled the trigger why did I not do it.

“Heh i am going to make you prrr for being good~” he said.

I struggle some more and he stopped I looked up with warm tears going down my face and I see that he was mad

“What the f*ck am I doing I...
on April 09, 2017
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on April 09, 2017
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on April 09, 2017
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on April 09, 2017
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on April 09, 2017
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on April 09, 2017
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on April 09, 2017
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on April 09, 2017
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on April 09, 2017
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This is why I love/hate (because I can) auto correct.
tans_daddy_SaNs_da_meme's Photo 4
on April 09, 2017
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That one friend that doesn't know how to text.
tans_daddy_SaNs_da_meme's Photo 0
on April 09, 2017
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on April 09, 2017
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