Text Talk & Stupid People

I know some people say that "Oh, it's just the internet; I don't have to spell things right!" , and I know that you won't get in trouble for doing it online, but still - the human race needs to be intelligent, right? I'm not saying that toddlers have to be geniuses, but come on: We're civilized people! We worked hard to actually create a language and alphabet, so we shouldn't just undo all that effort.
And it's not just ELA - math and science and social studies! Humans have been alive for a long time, and we've discovered so many amazing things about mathematics and how the world works. We shouldn't let that go to waste. Don't get me wrong - I DO NOT, in ANY way, believe that people should study complicated textbooks, suffer through in-depth math problems, and learn everything about every second of history. I'm just saying we should know the basics.
I don't want humans to end up idiots - fat, lazy creatures who never leave their house, spend all day virtually going places (but never actually leaving your bed) through robot technology connected to a handheld screen you control from your bedroom, have food tubes that deliver nutrients to our bodies (and cakes and cupcakes and chips delivered to our bed by a robot) , and - *shudder* - not know anything! Will we one day have to look everything up on Google? Will there come a time when a 40-year-old needs to ask Siri how to spell 'house'? Will a teenager ever post on social media that "the Titanic never actually happened and it was just a movie"? Sadly, the last scenario has happened. I don't know about the others, but look at the cover image for this chapter to see what I mean.
Seriously. Imagine I'd started this chapter off like this: "hi guys this is mystic medevil sameri princess i'll be telling u about my rants in this story! ok so 1st off i hate it when ppl steel things its rlly annoying like srsly ppl stop it y do ppl steel?? idk its a mystery. and y do ppl bully? its so wierd cuz there bein mean 2 other ppl 4 no reason :( and it makes me rlly sad does it make u sad??"
If I'd started the chapter like that, you would have been thinking, "Wow, this is going to be hard to read. She spelled so many things wrong... I don't understand this sentence. At all. And what word is she trying to spell here? Does this sentence end here and another one is starting? She needs to use some periods..."
In conclusion: Unless you are on a mobile device with a small screen, please try to use correct spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar whenever possible!
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Wow. That sort of stupidity, however, scares me almost as much as those people who laugh at kid's deaths in the Hunger Games movies. It's common sense that a movie filmed like that would not actually be the real life event, but a filmed copy. The boat in the movie didn't actually sink. I mean, if this is a little kid that doesn't really know See More how movies work yet, then I can't really say anything. But anyone older than ten... Wow. Just wow.
I saw another post that was like, "Wait how is one direction #1 in 37 countries i thought their were only 7???"
OK, so I get most of this. I definitely agree that it is VERY frustrating when people use very bad grammar. Tablets and cell phones are an exception -- it's not just the keyboard, but my touchscreen kills me. The keyboard will vanish and reappear at all the most inconvenient moments and end up turning your message into a half-literate See More sentence. However, there are some people who just genuinely don't have good grammar and don't understand spelling rules and such. I can't say that I can really judge them for that. And Google and Siri are tools; there is absolutely nothing wrong with using them for those things. Nothing. What do you think that they're there for in the first place?
And I know there's nothing wrong with using Google and Siri, but we shouldn't have to look up things like "who is Abraham Lincoln" or something when you're an adult!
My grandmother told me a story about my deceased great grandfather, Ira. She said when he was younger, he was at a fair or carnival of some sort, and he saw a white man get shot. When he contacted the hospital, some black doctors were sent. Ira wanted to help the man, so he asked the doctors for assistance. However, the crowd didn't want to See More let black men help the white man, so they got in contact with the hospital again and demanded white doctors. The white doctors were busy and couldn't get there for a while, and when they arrived, the injured man was dead.
REALLY SMART PERSON: "Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president, helped free the slaves and was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth during a play at Ford's Theatre." *goes off on tangent explaining entire story of the night Lincoln was murdered*
AVERAGE PERSON: "Abe Lincoln was a president who freed the slaves, but he was killed."
KIND OF DUMB PERSON: "Lincoln See More was a president and he had something to do with slavery."
REALLY DUMB PERSON: "Lincoln... I think he was the 30th president?"
INCREDIBLY STUPID PERSON (Variation #1) : "Lincoln invented light bulbs and top hats, I'm pretty sure. He was the governor of Tennessee, and today he lives in Florida."
INCREDIBLY STUPID PERSON (Variation #2) : "Who's Lincoln?"
It honestly makes me want to whack them upside the head.
And yes, that's true, unless you lived under a rock. Or you time traveled from the past. Or you acme from an alternate dimension. But yeah, not knowing who Abe Lincoln is as an adult would be pretty crazy.
Lastly, I don't think people should have to memorize the periodic table - I just think they should know that there are elements in the world that make up different substances. And I guess people should at least know what WWII was ABOUT. "Uh, I know what it was about! Thomas Edison freed the slaves."
Thanks for the feedback, though! :D
Wow. I actually can't remember what WWI was about. I'll look it up on Google. *goes on Google because she is becoming the exact same thing she ranted about* *sees when it ended* Wait, oh my gosh, I think- *attempts to log into See More ancestry.com , password failed, reset password, success* OH MY GOSH
Just found out my great grandmother (92 years old and still living) was born 5 years after WWI ended.
If you explained WWII like a play brochure, it'd look like this:
Come See... WORLD WAR TWO!
Adolf Hitler.......Hitler - old man with a stupid-looking mustache See More
The Nazis..........The Nazis - Hitler's creepy evil minions
Anne Frank........Anne - an amazing girl who hid from the Nazis
Margot Frank......Margot - Anne's sister
Otto Frank.....Mr. Frank - Anne's father
Edith Frank......Mrs. Frank - Anne's mother
Some More Jewish People......Extra Jews - other Jewish people that were captured by Nazis