Rainbow Ranting

Rainbow Ranting

I will literally just rant about stuff here. I don't care if you read, this is more for maintaining m sanity... now where did I put my dignity?

published on February 16, 2016not completed


Okay, first things first- I am pro-choice. Here's why.
Many Christians would argue that "adoption is possible ahhhhh i luv jesus" but really for some people it's not. Adoption is expensive for both biological parent and to be parent, and can leave people with no confidence, because they feel as if they "weren't good enough." Why don't we just END IT with a simple cell removal. It DOESN'T hurt them, no matter how far along in the pregnancy. It doesn't have emotions, thoughts, and is pretty much dead already. Plus, rape happens, and Christians are always like, "MARRY YOUR RAPIST" and "IT'S YOUR FAULT YOU WERE RAPED". These things just PISS ME OFF. Rape is never okay, and it severely offends me when people think it is. A child is a choice. Reproduction isn't the reason for sex, the reason is personal intimacy and sexual pleasure. -why else would we have condoms-
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on December 21, 2024
Just one thing, the wage gap doesn't actually exist and the only place feminism is needed would be in places are systematically oppressed like the middle east or certain places in Africa.
But it does exist. You aren't even from America.
Also, I fail to see what where I'm from has to do with anything? Like, I can still be informed on what's going on in America without actually being in America.
About Author
on February 25, 2016
About Author
on February 25, 2016
Another thing, ever heard of Down With Cis? It's an actual thing.
About Author
on February 25, 2016
About Author
on February 25, 2016
Actually, adoption is typically free for the to-be parents. Sometimes the adopting family even covers medical bills. And if an adoptive family can't pay or doesn't want to that's not the biological family's fault or problem really. *shrugs*
It's true it doesn't have emotions and it's just a cell, but...that cell has the potential to become the person who cures See More
It's actually not.
And plus there's also a chance they'll be horrible people, or just normal people. Other people besides that one cell can cure cancer. It's just Christians who think that everyone has a "special purpose."
Then how much does it cost?
Yeah there's a chance, but that depends on how they're raised and stuff. It's just a risk, like having sex is. And I never said anything about special purposes so I'm not sure why you're bringing that up...
About Author
on February 25, 2016
About Author
on February 25, 2016
About Author
on February 25, 2016
A point that I want to make on chapter 2 -
While I agree with that, I also want to point out that Christians have been persecuted and hated and killed for centuries. So... Would something like a "Christian Pride Parade" be something that you'd oppose? Not saying we need one, just wondering.
I haven't really thought about that... I might oppose since in the present they are not being persecuted, but I wouldn't feel as strongly as I do about Straight Pride
Not in America but elsewhere. No one really does these pride things in the places where Christians are oppressed.
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on February 25, 2016
Gotcha. Yeah, Christians really aren't persecuted much today (in America, at least), so I definitely see your point.
About Author
on February 16, 2016
About Author
on February 16, 2016
About Author
on February 16, 2016
About Author
on February 16, 2016