Black Lives Matter

How come because I'm white, I can't say Black Lives Matter? I feel I'm allowed to support this movement, like straight people can support gay rights. I don't see why I'm being called racist for saying #Blacklivesmatter
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Also, if women are payed less then why wouldn't women get hired more? Companies don't care about gender, if they did then women would be cheaper and get hired See More more often. See More
It's true it doesn't have emotions and it's just a cell, but...that cell has the potential to become the person who cures See More cancer or something like that.
And plus there's also a chance they'll be horrible people, or just normal people. Other people besides that one cell can cure cancer. It's just Christians who think that everyone has a "special purpose."
Yeah there's a chance, but that depends on how they're raised and stuff. It's just a risk, like having sex is. And I never said anything about special purposes so I'm not sure why you're bringing that up...
While I agree with that, I also want to point out that Christians have been persecuted and hated and killed for centuries. So... Would something like a "Christian Pride Parade" be something that you'd oppose? Not saying we need one, just wondering.