Q & A about my religion (Christianity) + Stories

Q & A about my religion (Christianity) + Stories

I got bored, so I decided why not?? PLEASE NOTE: If I can not answer a specific question, that does not mean it is unanswerable. I am still a student who is learning. ALSO: different denominations have different takes on controversial matters. I do not speak for all denominations. I speak for myself and my understanding of my religion.

published on January 25, 2022not completed

Chapter 2

Q: Will I go to hell for sleeping with someone of the same sex?

A: Not if you believe in Jesus Christ. If you go to hell, it's for the same reason as everyone else who goes to hell: not believing, or believing and hating God. Everyone sins, every day, but Jesus died for our sins, He cleanses us. Believe in Him and do your best to be a God person and follow the laws God set for us, and you will spend eternity in Heaven.

Q: So, who goes to hell?

A: The rules are the same for everyone. If you don't believe in God, you will go to hell. It's not because God doesn't love you, He WANTS you to live with him for eternity. But since Adam and Eve, we all sin, and the penalty for sin is death. God is handing us the gift of eternal life with Him, through Jesus, but we have to take it. It's still our choice. We must accept the gift or we will die and go to hell.

For example, if Hitler goes to hell, it's would be for the same reason as that little old lady down the street. Because neither of them believed. Yes, it doesn't seem fair, but Adam and Eve made that choice to eat the fruit and abandon God. God is trying to bring us back, but He gave us free will, so we have to choose Him ourselves (with the help of the Holy Spirit who tries to guide us to Him).

It is a bit complicated, but in summary, if you believe in Jesus Christ and give yourself to Him so that he can wash away your sins (no matter how bad they are), you will be saved.

NOTE: Homosexuality is classified as a sin. As is premarital sex and infidelity, paedophilia, and bestiality. What I am saying is that NO SIN is unforgivable. Nothing. Not even the worst thing you can think of. Jesus wipes it all away if you let Him. However, we are asked by God to do our best to avoid these sins (He understands we aren't perfect, and that we will eventually end up sinning again, which is why Jesus died for us).
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Comments (4)

Okay but what about the gay qmq
What do you mean? Do you mind rephrasing the question please ?
@Rosie_rikku Not if you believe in Jesus Christ. If you go to hell, it's for the same reason as everyone else who goes to hell: not believing, or believing and hating God. Everyone sins, every day, but Jesus died for our sins, He cleanses us. Believe in Him and do your best to be a God person and follow the laws God set for us, and you will spend eternity in See More
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on February 01, 2022
Will i go to hell for sleeping with another woman.
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on February 01, 2022
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on February 01, 2022
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on February 01, 2022