"Hey (Y/N)!" She said cheerfully
"Hey Sonia" you waved back and got on
She turned around and started to drive to her home, but after a while the evil Scientist found you two. Sonia stopped and growled at him
"What do you want Eggbreathe!" She yelled out
"What I want is her!" He snapped and pointed at you and Sonia looked at you then back at Dr. Eggman "you see (Y/N) has a rare disease and I want to find more about it so just lend her to me and be on your way" he smirked
"If you want her then you have to get through me!" Sonia growled
He frowned "Fine! So be it" he pointed at you and Sonia and yelled ATTACK! And a river of badnicks came at you two. Sonia tapped her necklace and her piano gun came out and starts to shoot at the metal idiots
"(Y/N)! Run!" She yelled, you wanted to help but you didn't have your weapon so you just ran
"Bad bots! Don't let her escape!!" You heard Eggman you couldn't look back but you did anyway you saw a couple bees and beetles 'crap' you thought and tripped 'SH*T' you yelled in your head and hits the ground you groaned and coughed really hard covering your mouth. When you looked at your hand you saw blood and a overwhelming feeling flushed in your chest that's what I call fear.
"Oh G*d" you whispered and looked back and saw the robots getting closer and closer and you got up and ran again 'what do I do? What do I do?!!' You panicked. Suddenly you felt a flow of warmth and then pain and fell to the ground, your vision was in and out before you passed out and you also heard your name but you couldn't hear out who it was and saw a pink blurred figure.
~your mind~
You were 10 years old but you weren't sure since it was dream but you woke up in pain and coughed so hard and spat up blood.
"(y/N)!" You heard your mother and ran to you "honey! Oh dear" she picked you up bridle style you couldn't move you were just crouching so much much pain was in her and you were so scared 'oh g*d, what the heck is happening to me!?!' You yelled in your mind. Your mother placed you in the back seat and shit the door and goes in the drivers seat and buckled up and speeded to the hospital "hold on sweetie everything's gonna be okay" she said "I hope" you barely heard her mumble. After a while you stopped vouching and you arrived at the hospital but you were weak you lost blood from the coughing. You mother helped you walk and there was blood everywhere on your hands and shirt. You groaned in reality and the dream. The nurse saw you and dropped her clipboard "Come with me now" she said and walked fast and you tried to keep up the best you could but you ended falling to the ground before you hit the ground your eyes snapped open and you were out of the dream
You were confused and tried to get up and you shackled to the table you were laying on and tubes and wires were attached to you. You looked around and saw Sonia stuck in a glass cylinder passed out. Then you remembered Eggman kidnapping you you tried to get the shackles off but they were too strong and you saw Iro Robotnick walk in and you glared
"Ahh I see you're awake hmm? Hohoho" he smirked and laughed
'That guy has mental problems' you thought and growled at him "what do you want from me Eggbutt!" You pulled on the shackles
"Oh just.... Experimenting" his shoulders rose and he made a evil smirk "I found out there's a small rare disease that effected you and I want to know more about it"
Before he could move the ground shook and a CRASH came up and a thick poof of smoke covered the room and woke up Sonia...
To be continued
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