The party

Avril squeezed through the crowd to Mia. She grabbed her arm and pulled her.
Mia: Ouch! Youre hurting me let go.
Avril: Come on he's here.
Avril and Mia made it out of the crowd to Mias drive-way where Nicolas' car was parked. Nicolas exited his car as his dark brown hair flowed with the wind and his kind sexy eyes shimmering in the presence of the full moon. Avril nudged Mia in the stomach.
Mia: Hey Nick this is my friend Mia shes been dying to meet you in person.
Nicolas: hello Avril.
Avril: Hey (they shook hands)
Mia: I have to go inside theres some stuff i need to do. Ill catch you later. (winks at Avril)
Nick: so youre friends with Mia huh?
Avril: Yeah, shes a nutjob but i love her.
Nick: I dont really want to go inside there my girlfriend is inside and she acts like a dramaqueen when shes had too much to drink at times. I was hoping you could take these drinks Mike sent me to buy in for me.
Avril: (with a disappointed look on her face) Sure.
Nicolas reaches for six-packs in the boot.
Avril: I didnt want to say this because its probably going to hurt your feelings.
Nicolas: Say what?
Avril: Your girlfriend, she was making out with this other dude. Whats his name again.....Ja... jo....
Nicolas: Jason.
Avril: Jason exactly.
Nicolas: (Nicolas slams his fist against his car) That son of a bitch!
Avril: Hey, no need to over react. I know what can make you feel better. Come with me.
Nicolas follows Avril into Mias garage.
Nicolas: Its a bit dark in here.
Avril: (whispering) Exactly.
Nicolas: Are you trying to turn me on?
Avril: maybe. Oh come on your girlfriend is in the getting laid and youre just going to do nothing about it like a little girl.
Nicolas: Maybe youre right................................................................................
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