"Well that's a very good question miss..." asked Mellony
" Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw Rivals Hufflepuff." I replied
" Good, good. So the reason it is starting up again, miss Hufflepuff, is the fact that tons of parents, students and even teachers or Beauxbatons, Durmstrang and Hogwarts have been asking for it. Now I've actually been purswading the Ministry of Magic that it is a very good cause to restart it, for the only reason Cedric Diggory died was the fact that Alastor Moody wasn't really Moody, and Wormtail killed him in Vol- sorry, You-Know-Who's orders." Mellony stated.
" Great, but why have you pursewaded them to start it up apart from that?" I ask.
" Because Cedric' s death didn't come by the Tournement, it came by two loyal Death Eaters. Peter Pettigrew was actually Cedric's murderer even if it was on You-Know-Who's orders, he still did it. So called "Alastor Moody" put the Triwizard Tournament cup as a portkey and made sure Harry would win to get killed. I pursewaded them with the facts that it wasn't the Tournement's fault." answers Mellony.
" So, what is the Tournament, miss Carpenter
" A notorious and perilous contest to its core, this particular tournament was like no other. Without giving you too much of a Professor Binns-esque history lesson, the story of the tournament goes a little bit like this:Dating back around 700 years, this contest of intelligence, courage and wizards losing their minds because there’s a dragon half a meter away, was traditionally held every five years between the three biggest wizarding schools in Europe: Durmstrang, Beauxbatons and Hogwarts.After some, err, accidents, (all three champions were injured in 1792) the contest petered out. That was until its revival two centuries later in 1994, when extra safety precautions were added by the organisers.Muggle Olympics may have up to 300 events, but the Triwizard Tournament only has three tasks, and that is quite enough.The rules are simple: each school is represented by a champion, chosen by the Goblet of Fire. The champions take part in three punishing tasks to win the Triwizard Cup, 1,000 Galleons, eternal glory, and probably eternal bruises.The revival of the tournament was made a lot safer by the addition of an age-limit:only students 17 and over could apply. At least, that was the plan. By the day of the first task, 24 November, things were already heating up – which was probably due to those huge dragons.The challenge was to retrieve a golden egg from one of four immensely dangerous fire-breathing beasts, and somehow it ended with all four champions still intact. Potter and Krum came out in joint first place. Krum opted for a Conjunctivitis curse to confuse the dragon, whereas Potter went for the more sensible option of summoning his broomstick to play to his strengths as a skilled flyer. By the day of the first task, 24 November, things were already heating up – which was probably due to those huge dragons.The challenge was to retrieve a golden egg from one of four immensely dangerous fire-breathing beasts, and somehow it ended with all four champions still intact. Potter and Krum came out in joint first place. Krum opted for a Conjunctivitis curse to confuse the dragon, whereas Potter went for the more sensible option of summoning his broomstick to play to his strengths as a skilled flyer.The second tasOn 24 February, the champions, judges and supporters assembled at the edge of the lake for the second task. The merpeople had taken something from eanch contestant, that ‘you’ll sorely miss’, and the champions were given one-hour to get it back.For all four champions, that missing something turned out to be an important person in their lives: Hermione Granger was Krum’s captive, even though they’d been hanging out for about a day; Ron Weasley was, of course, Harry’s; Fleur’s little sister Gabrielle was taken to spur her on, while Cho Chang was Diggory’s ‘sorely missed’. Going into the third task, Harry and Diggory were tied in first place with Krum in second and Delacour positioned third.On the evening of 24 June, the champions were tasked with traversing an imposing 20-foot-high maze full of obstacles, creatures and riddles. Little did Cedric Diggory's fellow students or family know that this would be the last time they would see him alive.Cedric and Harry made it to the centre of the maze and both clutched the Triwizard Cup as joint winners. But instead of enjoying a double victory for Hogwarts, the pair were thrust into unexpected danger." Replied Mellony.
Picture taken by Colin Creevey, Harry's #1 fan
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