I don't want to hurt anyone anymore :(

After the darkening stopped for a moment I looked around at my surroundings. I saw that I had killed this innocent little girl who looked to be my age. I took a look at her name tag: Akira Hoshino
I wish I never saw what I did to her..
I treated her just like Sachiko treated me when she killed me..
I hate this !
To calm myself down I walked into one of the nearby classrooms and sat down and hugged my knees. 'I hate what the darkening does to us ! It forces us to kill other people..' I thought, I looked at the classroom. ' I hate how we were kidnapped and how we were killed...couldn't Sachiko just find something else to do with her time and not kill people ? Geez...' I thought as I stood up. I walked around the classroom and loomed at some stuff and touched some stuff and I guess someone heard me doing this cause some girl entered the room "Akira are you-*gasp*" I guess this was Akira's friend who didn't know what happened to Akira. I turned and looked at her "a g-g-ghost !" She yelled pointing at me "great job you guessed correctly" I said in a sarcastic tone, the girl backed away from me and bumped into the chalk board which knocked over some things that was on the chalk board. I looked down at my feet sadly, I hate how it takes one look at us and people leave. I decided to pick up the heavenly host newspaper and flip it to the article of our murder, I gave it to the girl and pointed to the picture of me. She read it and was shocked by what we went through "oh my..you poor things.." She whispered to herself but I heard it.
The girl down at me "um..I have a question have you seen anyone named Akira around here ?" She asked, since I don't have my tongue anymore no one understands what I'm saying except Yuki and Tokiko so I looked around the room in search of a note pad and a pen, luckily I found one. I wrote 'uh the darkening forced me into killing your friend and I'm sorry I wish I never done it' I hoped that the girl wouldn't hate me for what I did. I showed the girl what I wrote and after she saw it she threw that note at me and cried "Akira ! No !" She yelled, she then looked up at me with a angry face "it's your fault you stupid ghost ! Your the one who killed my friend !" She then yelled how she wants me to burn in hell, I looked down at my feet and immediately started crying "I didn't mean to.." I whispered and I think the girl heard it. "I'm sorry ! You already went through so much...I take it all back" she said hoping that would help which it didn't. "I can never go back home..I can never see my parents again" I said through sobs "it's all Sachiko's fault..." "Sachiko ?" The girl had no idea who she was apparently.
"Yes Sachiko" I said looking up at the girl "uh.." "she's the one who killed me and my friends" I explained "oh.." The girl probably didn't know what to say. And as if on cue Sachiko came through the door "did I hear my name ?" She asked 'oh no' I thought, I knew Sachiko was going to try and kill this girl but I'm not going to let that happen ! "Run" I whispered to the girl, she nodded her head and followed my directions. She ran out the other door but Sachiko followed so I tackled her "Ryou you better get off me this instant !" She yelled "no way ! Your not killing her" I said. The girl ran as fast as lighting and got away. Sachiko pushed me off her "you will pay for that" she said through gritted teeth, I knew she was going to torture me for this...
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