Medcine Den

"I'm sorry I didn't realize you weren't ready for standing up" Ravenaster didn't look worried he looked mischievous, "I'll do easier ones from now on". Elderwhisker shook his head, "Ravenaster there is no way a simple balance offset could cause this". Morningpaw nodded, "if it had just happened then it wouldn't have been so swollen, I'd say it's been injured since morning". "And how would you know that?" Amberpaw glared at Morningpaw. "Didn't you hear me the first time? Your ankle is swollen and hot, which couldn't have happened in the time you fell and in the time you came here" Morningpaw rolled her eyes, "So what were you doing this morning?".
Amberpaw sputtered, "Sleeping like any normal cat". "He was out hunting" Ravenaster smiled, Amberpaw looked up surprised he'd almost forgotten his mentor was still here. "What? How?" Amberpaw felt embarrassment flood through him. Ravenaster let out a mrrow of amusement, "You aren't very good at hiding things, I mean a fresh crow that was caught last night. Certainly not stale enough to be caught by some night hunter. You know you could have just asked me and we could have hunted this morning".
Amberpaw looked down, "I'm sorry Ravenaster, I thought if I caught your favorite fresh kill you'd forgive me for being so hardheaded". "Wait, you caught a crow so I would forgive you? I thought I'd never see the day..." Ravenaster broke off then laughed, "crow isn't my favorite fresh kill". Amberpaw's face flushed, "Well I tried to catch a vole but a twig cracked and it ran away". Ravenaster looked thoughtful and before he could say something Elderwhisker meowed, "It's very nice the truth is out, but how did you hurt your ankle". "Uh well, when I leapt for the crow it flew up. And I did too then I made it fall and I fell too" Amberpaw avoided their eyes. Morningpaw's eyes lost their interest, "Oh, that happens all the time. You'll probably have to stay in here for two days".
"Two days?! Surely I can just stay here the night?" Amberpaw pleaded, he only had five more days to prove himself a good apprentice. Two days would make it only three days! "I'm afraid so, but it's really not that long. More serious injuries could keep you in here for a moon" Elderwhisker comforted. Ravenaster added, "I forgive you Amberpaw, take some days to heal. Oh, and if you do a good job during training, after you are all healed, I might consider letting you go to the gathering". Amberpaw had never smiled so big in his life, "Thank you so much Ravenaster!". Ravenaster smiled back and slipped out of the den.
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