The Ceremony

Amberkit watched his dad, Redclaw, climb up High Rock to sit behind Pebblestar. His dad was going to be a great leader, one day. That's what he always said, "One day I'll be up front as Redstar". Amberkit would always scramble to the Elder's den after their dad said this, and he would ask Greyfoot to tell him of the great heroics his dad did. But now he was an apprentice, and he had a feeling the Elder's den would become his least favorite place. Hollybird, or Hollypaw because she was still an apprentice then, told him all about cleaning up after them.
Amberkit's attention was snatched back as Pebblestar beckoned Chickenkit up. "Chickenkit do you promise to listen and learn from your mentor?" Pebblestar repeated the words that many leaders before him had said. "I do" Chickenkit nodded. "Then from now on until you've earn your warrior name you will be known as Chickenpaw. I ask Star Clan to watch over this apprentice, and Hazelspeckle will mentor her" Pebblestar looked up at the sky, "Hazelspeckle I trust you to pass on your strength in fighting and loyal attitude". Hazelspeckle dipped her head to her leader and touched noses with Chickenpaw.
"Amberkit please step up" Pebblestar called upon him. Amberkit felt all his confidence drain away, and suddenly he realized how many cats were in Thunder Clan. Though his legs were jelly, Amberkit stepped into the circle of cats. "Amberkit do you promise to listen and learn from your mentor?" Pebblestar asked. "Yep, I mean I do" Amberkit swallowed his embarassment. "Then from now on until you've earn your warrior name you will be known as Amberpaw. I ask Star Clan to watch over this apprentice, and Ravenaster will train him" Pebblestar's eyes sparkled as if he knew something that Amberpaw didn't, "Ravenaster you will pass your amazing hunting ability and your independence to Amberpaw".
Amberpaw wanted to scream aloud. Ravenaster was a mousebrain, always flirting with the she-cats. Certainly not loyal either, Ravenaster was always making very close friends with cats in other clans. Amberpaw peeked at his father, Redclaw's gaze had harden and his mouth gone tight. Ravenaster walked calmly up to him, and as they touched noses Amberpaw looked away.
"Meeting dismissed" Pebblestar called out as he climbed down high rock, Redclaw following him. "I'm afraid this afternoon is not going to be very exciting, you'll be getting the ticks off the elders" Ravenaster meowed. Amber scrunched his nose, "Aren't you supposed to be taking me out to explore the forest?". "It's too late today, but tomorrow dawn we'll head out" Ravenaster explained, "the medicine cats will help you". Amberpaw let out a gasp as his sister and Hazelspeckle headed out of camp, "but Chickenpaw is!". Ravenaster frowned, "well, you're not your sister are you?". Amberpaw glared at the ground and padded towards the Medicine cat. A few moments later he slipped out of the den with a leaf covered in mouse bile.
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