Prefix: select the first letter of your first name

B-ash or hawk
C-berry or flower
D-red or flame
E-dawn or eagle
F-rain or moon
G-vine or Lilly
H-bunny or quail
I-frost or cedar
J-Rowan or willow
K-leaf or feather
L-water or stone
M-spider or stellar
N-owl or fire
O-pine or birch
P-flower or sun
Q-bunny or blue
R-snow or sand
S-falcon or snake
T-deer or bird
U-lizard or fox
V-ice or jaguar
W-tiger or lion
X-leopard or cloud
Y-grey or mint
Z-oak or bracken
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mate: vine heart.
broken tail
mate is vineheart
long fur
blue gray with white paws
Name: RowanFang
Rank: Leader
Clan: Thunderclan
Pelt Color: Black See More
Markings: Tuxedo
Fur Length: Medium
Eye Color: Golden
Battle Scar: Scarred Muscle
Personality: brave and headstrong
Mate: Stellarleaf
We’ll my life is complete bye.
Gender: shecat
Rank: Apprentice
Clan: ThunderClan
Pelt: White See More
Markings: Gray spots
Fur length: medium
Eye color: blind
Battle scars: torn ear
Personality: smart and headstrong
Mate: just not gonna say it, thanks.
Gender: She-cat
Rank: Kit
Clan: ThunderClan
Pelt color: Gray See More
Markings: Tuxedo
Fur length: Long
Eye color: Golden
Battle scars: Limp in hind leg
Personality: Smart and head strong.
Mate: Quailfreeze