Meeting Gilbert;FEELS R REAL!!!

The next day I went to class I saw that Ludwig and Francis were in my class and there just so happened to be a seat in between them.(see where I'm going with this?wink wonk)I sat in between them."Hi guys!"I said completely oblivious to the fact that I was one of the only girls in the class besides a blonde that looked alot like Ludwig."oh,zhat is my sister Monika.And he is my brother Gilbert."He said noticing me staring at his sister and the albino he pointed to after.
"I heard someone mention ze awesome me!"Gilbert said turning around."Hi I'm Alice"I said as he looked at me"I'm ze awesome Gilbert!"He said pointing to himself."You're related to HIM?"I asked Ludwig feeling sorry for him."Ja..."he sighed.
"I am so sorry for you"I whispered into his ear.He nodded."Anyway..Gilbert what's up with your eyes there red?And cool."I asked.He smirked"Meet me behind the school later I really don't like talking about the awesomness that is mein eyes in public."He said.Ludwig and Francis slightly scowled as if knowing what he was going to do
."Oh,Ludwig,Francis I need your numbers Francis you have mine but I don't have yours and Ludwig we don't have each others at all."I said.Oh ja."Ludwig said as he and Francis wrote their numbers on my hand.I took Ludwig's hand causing him to slightly blush and wrote down my number on it.Class finally started our teacher Mr.A.Kirkland walked in."Today class we are going to be learning english 101.But first I'm going to give a random question to a student in here.How about one of the girls.Alice answer this.Why is there a W in answer?"He asks me."Oh~"I said with a smirk on my face." The word answer is based on the Old English words "andswaru" and "andswarian" ; both are of Germanic origin. The word "answer" is also very closely related to the word swear, which is most likely the reason for the w. The reason we do not pronounce the w is probably just because that's the way the word evolved over hundreds and hundreds of years. English has a lot of strange silent consonants, such as the l in should and would, the r in February, or the gh in words such as eight and night." I answered smugly.He looked at me completely surprised."W-wow!Alice you know your english."He said.As class continued I barely paid any attention because of the fact that I knew most of the stuff.After everything ended I finally met Gilbert."Hello Alice~"Gilbert said slowly making his way to me.What I didn't know until after is that I was being watched by Ludwig and Francis."Uhh Gilbert what ar-"I was cut off by Gilbert smashing his lips onto mine.I tried to push him away but he wouldn't let go.I tried again and this time he let go.I punched him in the face kicked him in the balls and walked away.I got my art notebook and walked to where I usually drew.Is started drawing absent-mindedly.When I looked down at what I drew I blushed because I drew Ludwig and Francis both carrying me bridal style.I immediately ripped out the page and tore it to shreds.Blushing I saw Francis come up to me and I hid the drawing."H-hey Francis what's up?"I said still blushing like a tomato."Alice what happened when you saw Gilbert?"He asked."Um h-he kissed me."I said in a barely audible tone."What!!"Francis exclaimed."Shhh I didn't let him I kicked him in the balls afterward."I said.He calmed down a bit."Well I'm gonna g-"I was cut off because my phone started to ring it was Ludwig."Vhat happened vhen Gil met vith jou?"He asked."H-he kissed me for some reason..."I trailed off."HE VHAT!"Ludwig yelled into the phone."Don't worry He got kicked in the balls."I moved away from the phone."Francis this is for you too"I whispered."Why do you care so much anyway?"I asked."I-i um.I...I'velovedyousinceIlaideyesonyou!"They both rushed out their mouths.I blushed as red as a tomato at hearing this."Y-you do!?"I said."..."Was their response I hung up and turned around to see Francis gone."This is gonna be hard"I said to myself.
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