Anime school

Soo The friends in here i only madr one story so heres another one Soo

published on May 07, 2017not completed

Lunch and commfessing

Lunch and commfessing
After lunch.Ally:Puts note in locker.Alex:Reads note Its from Ally.Ally:Hope he got the note in his locker.Alex: Ally I got your note.Ally:Blushes promise you'll meet me.Alex:I will.Ally: ita time for the runners race.Alex:Ally im in the race.Ally:Good luck.Alex:Thanks.Ally:Go ALEX GO.Alex:Wins the race.Ally:Alex great job.Alex:Ally will you hang with me on Saturday.Ally:Sure.Alex:We know each other since middle school.Ally: Opens note from Alex he wants to meet me on Friday at the cherry blossom tree in the park.Alex: Friday comes now.Ally:Class time.Alex:Got to class in time. Bell:DING DING DING Ally:Lunch time.Alex:ALLY WATCH OUT.Ally:Why Ow faints. Alex: thats why i better take her to
the nurse. Hour later.Alex: Ally is awake.Ally:What happened.Alex:Ally comeon lets go meet what we will discuss ok.Alex:Okay.Alex:Ally i really like you.Ally:I like you too Alex. Both:Do you want to be a thing.Both:Yes Ally:Lets hang later. Alex:Okay.
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