The Unbelievable Horror

We soon quickly got ready for the next real battle. As we entered this weird looking bush like door ended up being a maze. We thought we couldn't get through it in time, but as we started getting into the middle of the maze there was a big,black hole in the ground that smelled like old gym socks and old people. As a hand started coming out of it, it was a big ugly disgusting Zombie. Jimmy looked like he wanted to barf. We all decided only two of us should face the Zombie while the others look to see if there were more coming. As me and Jimmy finished the Zombie out the rest of the members said "The cost is Clear". We all soon darted to the exit. We all thought it was over..but it wasn't there was, this tall man with a mask and chain saw came darting at us giving a huge scream. I thought it looked scary but everybody else looked like it was nothing. As we all started charging for it the chain saw turned into a HUGE ONE, i never saw anything like it, it already had blood on it, it looked old and rusty.
Two of my members went at it without saying anything, and one of them took the chainsaw to the head and split them open straight down the middle, the brain and everything gushed out as he said his final words "Save Yourself". As something sparked in my head i felt like i changed, like i had the power to destroy anything. I took my sword aiming it at the heart of it, Blood shot out, it sounded like bones cracking, i never herd anything like it. All i could think about at the moment was KILL KILL KILL, Kill the beast that killed your team mate don't hold back.
As i turned around my team members looked shocked and Scared at the same time. I took the sword out of the monster. and said "What?.." and They said "oh..nothing" as we started running out of the battle we felt a wave hit us, making everyone fall to there knee's. One of the members couldn't take the wave...and there head exploded and leaving the spine sticking out of the throat, as the body started burning and showing the flesh while it bleeds down the knees of the girl. Everyone wanted to look away but we couldn't we were all stuck there, until the body finished we could finally turn away and get back up. As we just stood there. All i could think is (How sick can this game get?? I just want to kill the person who ever made this game, sending him the hell or where ever they came from!!) That's all i could think about.
We all started walking slowly waiting until what might happen next time we enter another battle.
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