Problems occur

"No, it's ok. Logan's going to come." I said. Then I grabbed my things and headed out the door.
When Logan arrived, I got in his car and we drove to school.
"You feeling better?" Logan asked with concern.
"Well, I still have a bit of a headache, but I'm good." I assured him.
"I had fun with you yesterday." Logan said.
I looked at him and smiled. "Me too." I said.
When we had arrived at school, Logan ran up to a group of guys who were laughing and talking. Then I noticed Jennifer, so I walked up to her.
"Hey." I said. Unable to think of anything else to say to her.
"Hey. I'm good can I see your phone?" She asked. Which i thought was a bit odd.
"Why?" I asked, cautiously.
"Just give me it." She said and snatched my phone out of my hands.
"What are you doing?" I asked her.
"Here." She said as she gave it back. "Now you have my phone number." She continued. Then the school bell rang and Jennifer and I walked off to class.
When me and Jennifer got to class, I noticed that Logan had arrived before Jennifer and I. So Jennifer entered the class before me, and when I walked out from behind Jennifer, Logan glanced up at me and I smiled. Then he ran his fingers through his hair as if messing it up in a cute kind of way.
I walked over to my seat which was next to Logan, but a red haired girl with light green eyes quickly moved over and sat there.
"Sorry Hun, this seats taken..." She said. She was wearing a white dress decorated with flowers and some white heels. So I sat behind Logan and Jennifer moved next to me.
"Chasity Evans." Jennifer whispered. "I hate her."
When it was finally lunch time, I decided I wasn't hungry after having to deal with Chasity. So I decided to get some salad and ranch dressing. Jennifer followed behind me as we walked to our table, when Chasity stopped in front of us.
"What do you want?" I asked, then I realized I sounded more confident then I had felt.
"Chasity, don't-" Jennifer tried to say. But then Chasity interrupted her by pushing my lunch tray on me making the ranch dressing spill all over my shirt and jeans.
"Oops.." She said and laughed as she walked off. I felt so humiliated when I noticed Logan was watching the whole thing. So all I could do was run up to the bathroom on the first floor. (That was the closest one to the lunchroom!)
And when I was done picking salad off my shirt, and doing my best to wipe off ranch from my shirt and jeans, I decided to take a walk up to the music room. I sat down at the piano and started playing the first song I've ever learned.
Por Una Cabeza by Carlos Gardel. My dad had taught me that before he died. He had cancer. I was playing Por Una Cabeza slowly, remembering how easy everything used to be when my dad was still around.
I then heard footsteps, so I stopped.
"No, please, keep playing!" Said a voice. I turned around and noticed Logan walking towards me. My shoulders slumped, depression washing over me. "Are you ok?" Logan asked.
"Of course I'm not ok! I just got food thrown all over me, and I have to pretend that everything's ok! I don't have anyone to turn to, sure there's my mom, but she won't understand! My dad is dead! And I can't even pour out my feelings to anyone because no one will understand me! People take one good look at me and avoid me! Things were so much easier when my dad was around!" I yelled back at Logan. Then I felt tears flood my eyes and trickle down my cheeks. I couldn't help but sob all over the piano.
"Allison, you can talk to me and Jennifer. We're here for you. We may not show it, but we really care about you. I, care about you. Your the best thing that has ever happened to me. You treat me like a regular teenager, not like some famous celebrity." Logan said.
I wiped the tears from my eyes and said, "But you are a celebrity. Your in movies if you don't remember."
"Of course I remember. Just, don't be sad ok? Your an amazing person." He assured me. Then we hugged.
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