Dinner with Henrietta

"I want to thank you for your hospitality. It's not everyday shop girls get invited to have dinner with such fine ladies. You have touched me, Miss Grace. Though, I'm terribly nervous! I must admit." Henrietta said with her delicate smile.
"Thank you so much for your kinds words and you have equally touched me! Please, do not be nervous. This is a place of free tongues and endless ideas." I scurried to the kitchen and brought out plain and simple dishes that still remained delicious. " I am sorry this is all I have to offer but it is the best I can do. So, Miss Henrietta, tell me of this man who has stolen your heart but you are too graceful to tell, if it is not too much of an intrusion of course. But, I must admit, the topic of love is quite fascinating to me especially in our time."
"Oh, there's not much to tell. I've never actually met him!" She blushed a deep velvet red.
"What? And yet you are already so smitten with him? How and why?" I exclaimed.
"Hopelessly infatuated! I'm rather embarrassed and shan't tell you his name yet, but I saw him once in a ballet. He was the main male dancer and oh he was so beautiful! I thought my weak heart would stop! It was many months ago and I have only seen him one other time. It's too painful to speak of now." She said seemingly rattled by the memory.
"Oh my, a dancer... How romantic--- It is a truly sturdy and beautiful man to train in the art of dance. You have made a wise choice to fall in love at first sight with a dancer for already you know their soul if they are a good dancer. I wish you luck in the equal capturing of his heart. No man will be able to overlook your inner beauty." I said picturing the man she described so eloquently.
"You did not see him the last day I saw him. *eyes water* I'm foolish. It is a foolish infatuation that will soon pass... and yet, I hope for it to never end so that I might remember him always." She wiped her eyes. "What of you, Miss Grace? What pleases you or displeases you? What does your beautiful heart long for?"
"Please call me Clarissa, Miss Grace was my sister... Well, unfortunately I have not been the most social of people before now. You see, my sister was my best and really only friend. Now, she is getting married and I am left to my own devices. My life has been tragic in the way that it has been such a bore. I have never really known any reasonable men--- Except for today... But my story is not nearly as beautiful or intriguing as yours. Sorry to be such a bore. It seems to be a burden placed on not just me but those around me... Now back to you. You must find this man for clearly he will not fade from your mind until justice has been served." I said taking a breath realizing I hadn't taken one for a while.
"No no! My heart isn't nearly as important as yours, dear Miss Clarissa. Perhaps branching out and meeting new people shall help you. Why, my uncle travels to India frequently. A merchant of sorts. Have you heard of the wonders of India?" Henrietta said humbly.
"Oh yes! I have read of them in many books and heard many tales but my dear, do not think I did not notice such a change in subject. Is there some reason you fear your love and refuse to speak to him? Is there an unknown detail I must be made aware of to fully comprehend the situation?" I said raising my eyebrow.
"No, not at this moment." She took a sip from her glass. "Only that I have very little heart left for what I love most. Or what I used to love." Her eyes began to water again.
I frowned with concern. " I cannot fathom how or why anything would harm such a beautiful soul... I do hope you know that I will go farther than any length you may know of. You deserve your dancer and more. If it was was under my control, you would have the life of a queen because of your beautiful soul." I stood and hugged her tightly.
She let a few tears drop before saying, "Thank you, Miss Clarissa." She tightened the hug then let go. "But I shall be as resilient as I can. No more tears! Let us speak of gay things and enjoy our evening! You have prepared an excellent meal for us. It is more than I could hope for!"
"You are too kind and very humble, Miss Henrietta. So, this ball is the talk of the town and I must say I am rather disappointed you are not attending as I would love to introduce you to my family but I understand completely having the desire NOT to go as they can be rather slow... Except this time I have one small thing to look forward to but I will not bore you with my slow story." I said sadly.
"You would never bore me, Miss Clarissa! As much as I would love to attend, I don't think the likes of me are invited." Henrietta looked away as though embarrassed to be herself.
"Do not say such things! The invite specifically said EVERY person in Wilksin should attend! You are part of Wilksin and so the hand has been extended to you too. But, if you are still nervous of your place I, Miss Clarissa Grace, do formally invite you to attend the ball with me as an honored guest. I am not saying you must come but the invite is there and the hope for you there are very real." I looked at my watch and exclaimed, "Oh, my! I do not want to keep you much longer for it is later then I expected. Feel free to come and go as you please though." I said happily.
"I did not realize it was so late! My mistress at the shop shall be vexed if I'm out much longer. Thank you for your kindness. I will ponder your proposal and if some wild turn of events should give me courage then I shall come. I'm so glad I met you. I value you very much, Miss Clarissa." She said and I could see her slip something under the plate. "There was never a lady more noble than you."
I hugged her tightly again. "If your mistress gives you any trouble just have me come over and I'll pay for her worries. I hope to see you very soon." I opened the door for her. "Good night, fair lady."
"Good night, dear Miss Clarissa." She took my hand and looked down. "Etienne, Miss, his name is Etienne." And with that she scurried off into the night.
I mumbled quietly, "Etienne? What a strange name but now I must find him---"
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