Trouble Ensues

Again, I looked down to the floor and I noticed Henrietta. She was dancing with a man and glowing so bright I could only assume this was the great Etienne. "Oh my... It can't be! But it must!" I squealed with joy. "If only I could dance! Alas, I am a singer..."
"A singer?" Nathaniel asked.
"Ah, yes. Instead of dance like lovely Henrietta has studied I have studied the art of singing. Unfortunately, there is no place for a singer at a gala like this." I sighed feeling a little useless and out of place.
"Don't let that get you down!" Nathaniel smiled stroking a stay hair from my eyes. "We can still do the slow dance, even if I do have two left feet."
"I am sure you are magnificent!" I exclaimed leading him down to the dance floor and we started to dance where Sebastian could see us. I put my head on Nathaniel's shoulder and closed my eyes humming the tune of the song. Sebastian swayed gently as the music had slowed down. The woman nuzzled into his shoulder and he put his arms around her waist. The music thrummed a soft rhythm and every couple on the dance floor grabbed their partner and started to dance. I shot an icy gaze towards him as if I wanted to freeze his soul. As if he felt my cold spell, he searched around for the source and noticed the gaze was coming from me. I was being held but Nathaniel affectionately and I watched hot rage bubble in Sebastian's chest. I heard a soft whimper from the woman and realized he was gripping her very roughly.
"I'm terribly sorry Louretta, I must go." With that he escaped from her grasp and hurried away from the others. He slammed the front doors open causing quite a commotion but I only felt a guilty pleasure. With a gentle look to Nathaniel, I followed Sebastian out.
I laid the gentlest of taps upon his shoulder and with red-eyes I stared down upon upon him. "I trusted you, Sir and you have led me on in a way no woman should ever be put through." I turned before he could respond and went back to Nathaniel. I buried my face in his chest and found his warmth comforting. I let the rest of the outside world drown out by the sound of his heart. A concerned Liam pulled me aside.
"What is wrong, sister?" He said.
"Oh, brother, I was given two options and my choice was one and it was a very wrong one. I do not regret being escorted by Nathaniel as he is clearly the better man as Sebastian led me on and betrayed my trust." I tried not to cry and only contained her tears by the thought of Nathaniel.
"What? Where is this beast?" Liam said with a hot rage. Clarissa pointed and ran back to Nathaniel. Liam stormed out to Sebastian. I did not know what they discussed but I didn't care. For about an hour or so everyone had a grand time; there was laughing and drinking and so much dancing! I nearly forgot the previous troubles of the night but only just in time to make room for another. I was making my way over to Henrietta so I could meet this wonderful man. When I was about 20 feet away, Henrietta yelled loudly and I watched her hand make vicious contact with his cheek. Without control, I cursed wickedly and loudly in Italian and I made my way to her. Henrietta tried to move away but, appearing from no where, Mr. Wilksin caught her wrist. I came to him ready to explain.
"Follow me" He said in a low and intimidating voice.
"Sir, I can explain-" I started.
"You too, child." He said turning his hard eyes on me.
"Sir-" I began again.
"I expect everyone you're with in my chambers immediately. And him." He nodded to Etienne.
"Mr. Wilksin, sir, I-" Henrietta began trying to ignore Etienne smiling smugly.
Again he cut her off but dropped her wrist. "Do not smile, boy, for they are not the ones in my bad view." He led them up the stairs. "Carry on!" He laughed a terrifyingly powerful laugh before turning his face back to an intense scowl and leading us to his chambers. He lit a pipe and sat. "Sit." Everyone sat. "Boy, what did you say to such a fine lady to bring out such an outburst."
"Je ne parle pas anglais, Monsieur." Etienne tried to say smoothly.
He laughed releasing smoke. "Boy, do not think I have not seen you in this event. I have kept my eye on you" He let his eyes flit to me before looking back to his pipe, "and Miss Grace, quite a commotion you have started... Tell me, what has happened?"
"Tu est un ballot." Etienne said.
"Etienne, ça suffit. Mr. Wilksin, please, Miss Grace is not the one to blame here. I acted irrationally. I'll admit that perhaps Monsieur Toussaint was being a bit forward, but he is a French/Belgian and you know they're much more... confident in their relationships than we are. It was only a cultural misunderstanding, Mr. Wilksin. We were both being inconsiderate to each other and Miss Grace happened to catch the whole thing at the wrong moment. I beg your mercy and understanding." Henrietta said sincerely.
"I am not angered by you, merely impressed with your passion." He stood and walked to Etienne. He was freakishly tall so towered over him. "Monsieur, do I have the understanding you made a forward move to this lady of standard?"
"Oui, Monsieur Wilksin, but I misunderstood and I didn't know I was offending the mademoiselle." Etienne said slyly.
Mr. Wilksin scoffed unconvinced. " I do not think you are understanding the notion of you are not in fault, Lady. It is this man," He pointed his pipe at Etienne, "who should be on his knees apologizing. Sir, once you have oven your sincere apologies I demand you leave this manor until your etiquette lessons have come to a close!"
Etienne turned to Henrietta. "Mademoiselle, I'm sorry to have offended you. Though, I could not help myself. I do hope, when I have learned to be as sweet as you, our paths will cross again someday." He kissed her hand tenderly and left.
He thoughtfully puffed on his pipe then stood. "Forgive me if I have frightened thee, I felt you were in a precarious situation and as the host I felt responsible to protect you. Both of you have proven to be fine ladies and I do not want to keep you from the night. Gentlemen, escort your ladies out and if anyone lifts a finger to you have the come to me." He bowed. "I will watch out for you, tonight." Sebastian was the first one to leave once Mr. Wilksin had stopped talking.
"Thank you sir." Nathaniel said bowing and offering me his arm. I took it relieved.
"Thank you, good Mayor." I curtsied then left hastily with Nathaniel.
"That gave me quite a fright, I thought he would have our heads. Henrietta is very brave to be able to speak to such a man so calmly, or perhaps I'm just a coward." Nathaniel laughed nervously at himself.
"You are not such! Do not be so harsh on your handsomeness." As we came back out to the dance floor everyone stared as we walked down and I gave a weak smile. "Do not be frightened my good friends, the man who has caused such turmoil is new longer here and you will not receive a fright like that again. Carry on!" Everyone started dancing again.
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