Silver and Blaze

Today, Amy came to visit me. She announced me a big new. In what she says, she had her first time with Sonic. I am very glad for her, but that irritates me a little. She is only twelve years old! I am a little older than her and I haven't had yet my first kiss! Sometimes, I wonder if the fact of coming from the future makes me an alien... Oh and, forget it. I have other things to do today.
Goodbye! :)
Blaze : Enter!
Silver : Hey Blaze!
Blaze : Oh, hi Silver!
Silver : How are you today?
Blaze : Im fine... Just confused.
Silver :Why?
Blaze looks at Silver with an expression which means : You don't have to know it.
Silver : Okay okay, don't look at me like that Blaze!
Blaze : *Chuckle* Sorry :)
Silver : It's okay. Hey hum... Do you want to go with me?
Blaze : Where?
Silver : Sonic invited me at a party, and he tolds me to invite you too... Eh, yeah. You too.
Blaze : Hum... Okay...
Silver : Cool! Come here, let's go!
*Later, when Silver and Blaze arrive to Sonic's house*
Sonic : Hey Silver and... Woah! You invited Blaze!
Silver : Yeah...
Blaze : ?
Sonic : You did it bro!
Shadow *Interrupting the discussion* : So, no one lost the bet...
Blaze : What bet? Silver told me it was a party!
Sonic : Oh! So that's how he invited you...
Blaze : What?
Blaze looks in the room and sees Amy and Rouge looking at her. Every time Rouge tries to approach Shadow, he it settles a little. He doesn't look interessed.
Rouge : Poor little girl... You don't know why we were all invited?
Amy : Sonic and the boys made a bet and the one who lost had to go to fight alone Eggman tomorrow...
Blaze : So...
Amy : The boy who did not manage to invite a girl this evening was going to lose.
Sonic : He got you that time, Blaze!
Blaze *talking to Silver* : This is... This is the way you treat your best friend? Oh not excuse me, I am not your best friend, I am an object!!
Blaze closes the door violently before running to her home.
Dear diary,
It is still me. I come back from the house of Sonic. I cannot believe it, I tough that Silver was my best friend! He uses me like an object only not to fight Eggman! What a jerk, I'll show him how I am worth! I will fight Eggman alone, without making a bet! But the worst in all this, it's because Amy knew it! She knew that they made a bet! Im very frustrated, now I know that they all think Im an alien now...
Sorry for the frustration, I just needed to tell someone about this... Goodbye.
The next day, As promised, Blaze fights alone Eggman, but...
Silver : Blaze!
Blaze : SHUT UP! I can fight alone without making A BET!
Silver : Blaze, calm down!
Blaze : How can I calm down, I am fighting Eggman!
Silver : Blaze, this Eggman is just a robot...
Blaze : What?
Silver : Tails created a robot of Eggman to practise us. The one who managed to fight it alone would won this...
Silver shows a golden ring. A silver eagle with diamond eyes was on.
Blaze : It's beautiful...
Silver : Because you left, I fought the robot-Eggman by deactivating it and I won the ring... And it's for you...
Blaze : For... me?
Silver : Yeah. Never I would use my best friend... Or I should say, my lover...
Silver takes delicately the face of Blaze and kisses her on her lips.
(Next chapter : Shadow x Maria)
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but can u do a shadamy one?:3