Oh my God, oh my God Oh My God. In exactly 8 days, THE LAST STAR WARS WILL BE COMING OUT!! Ok Caelyn, relax…inhale one, exhale two… inhale one… AAAAARRRRHHHHHAAAGGG!! I can barely contain my excitement and inpatient-niss. Seriously though, I remember when I was 5 my dad practically forced Star wars down my throat so I watched the whole thing and I will NEVER regret it. I watched it once, then twice, three times, four… maybe five… but that’s not the point here! My point is that I have to buy $1,000,000 worth of tissue boxes because THE FEELS!
And now for some… well, just read the next paragraph.
Some taxi driver at a ‘NO UBER PROTEST’ started yelling at an UberX driver then continued by trying to open the car door but failing so, this psychopath decided to pound on the poor man’s window. Then the driver was all like ‘Nope!’ and he drove off but the crazy man pounding on his window decided that it would be a great Idea to hold on to the car while it was driving. Excellent choice. Look, I understand that Uber is talking your job as a taxi driver but no need resort to violence. Is pounding on an UberX’s window and holding on to the driving car gonna help you? No. you could be charged with assault and what not. Fortunately for this man, he suffered no injuries… well, does being humiliated count? If so, then yes, he did suffer a major injury.
Moving on!
ACCKK I know I’m late but I wanted to talk about a thing that I look forward to EVERY YEAR! Yes I am talking about the latest YouTube rewind! For all of those who don’t know what YouTube Rewind is, here it is in a nutshell:
It’s a ‘music video’ of A crap ton of selected famous YouTubers joining forces to create PURE AWESOMENESS! This involves all the trendy things that happened in that year, as we move on to the next year. The music played in the background is always a mashup of all the popular songs of that year! So, yeah.
This year’s YouTube Rewind was, again, PURE AWESOMENESS! There was, Superwoman, Connor Franta, Smosh, Pewdiepie, Maranda Sings and way, way, WAY more people. I look forward to next year’s vid! Have a good day and cya later!
P.S if anyone if offended by this please tell me and I will automatically take it down. I mean no arm and no offence. Hoped you enjoyed! :)
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