The Hospital

Jin hyung's depression had worsened. He stayed away from Jungkook and the others more often, and talked less and less. When his girlfriend broke up with him, it had gotten worse. Jimin had caught Jin sneaking into the bathroom with a knife and called the police just in time. They came and threw open the door just as Jin was about to slit his wrists.
Now he was
Jungkook fingered the package in his pocket and wondered why he brought it here. Either it would help Jin, hurt the members, or both. Or Jin wouldn't use it at all. Jungkook prayed that he wouldn't use it.
Please Jin, don't use it. Please...
Jungkook touched the door briefly, hoping Jin was there on the other side and not in his depressed world. He couldn't hear Jin, but that was because of the soundproof barriers so no other patients would be disturbed if he was...yeah.
Jungkook wanted to go yell at the nurses and doctors that there wasn't anything wrong with him. Jungkook should be able to at least SEE him!
He sighed. That wasn't going to happen. He knew.
He was going to do it.
No, he could wait until tomorrow.
No. He was going to do it.
Jungkook bent down, looked to see if there was anyone watching him, then passed the package with the note under the door. He then crossed fingers and waited.
~On the other side~
Jin was on his bed, staring at the door.
He was supposed to be the protector, the mother of the seven.
Instead, the cold fist of depression grabbed him and took him into the deep depths of his metacognition.
He heard soft fingers on the other side of the door and looked up. Jin could hear the outside world, but the outside world couldn't hear him. He recognized the fingers as Jungkook-powerful but uncertain, like he was debating on doing something.
Jin shook his head. Of course, he could be losing his mind and it could be a nurse or doctor.
Then he saw the package slide under the door.
Instantly he was hit with a smell that made him gag. He realized what was in the package, and scrambled to the window and yanked it open, letting fresh air flow into the room. He picked up the package. On it was a note that said, "Either you can be happy and hurt us again, or you can make us happy and stay with the pain. But whatever you choose, I won't judge. ~Jungkook."
Jin's eyes filled with tears. He didn't realize how much he had hurt Jungkook. He blinked the tears away, then opened the package.
It was what he had expected. Five white lily petals tumbled onto his lap. Beautiful, but dangerous and highly lethal.
Jin smiled. Then he thought how much this would hurt them.
But he couldn't live with the pain anymore.
Jin lifted the blankets and crammed them under the crack in the door. He then closed the window and set the lily petals on the ground. This time, he didn't gag from the smell. He inhaled deeply and laid down on the bed.
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