after a while of hearing my dad talking about our so called "wonderful" life- we finally gotten to a weird highway. the sign said "luicy jackman's" which even spelling that out. gave me chill's all up my spin. "d-dad..please say your not going to go up this road?" i said kinda worried. but he didn't notice the worried tone- "yeah? why?" he asked me. my face went pale. "OH NOTHING!" i quickly said. he laughed, and rolled down his car door window. Trying to look Above all the fog. "dad? are you gonna make it? or do you need me to drive?" i looked at him from my side veiw. But as we all know- HE DOESN'T SAY ANYTHING!! it wasn't to long the car started bumping up and down. making me feel like we was going to get into a wreak! " DAD! LETS NOT DIE JUST TO GET TO THE STUPID HOUSE!" i screamed in fear. "shush! i'm trying to get there! now clam down!" he jerked the wheel to the right to make it balance out the car. i sunk into my seat waiting for my death to come. " WE ARE here~" dad parked right in the drive way. the fog was around so hard. that i really couldn't see the house.