Maraya's Big Dream: The Sequel

Maraya's Big Dream: The Sequel

This is a sequel to the previous story "Maraya's Big Dream" that I wrote last summer. In this story, Maraya dreams of running into her best friend, Ms. Carolyn, again but this time it's in a different place and that place is in Maraya's favorite restaurant: BK.

published on July 29, 2019not completed

The Beginning of a Brand-New Dream

As soon as Maraya fell asleep, her new dream began to visualize in her head and her brand-new dream began just like this:

Her dream from last summer took place at Maraya's grandma's house, but this time, it takes place inside her grandma's car! Maraya, her grandma, Debbie, and her older sister, Haley, were all out gallivanting, running errands together for their girls trip. On her grandma's car clock, it said 12:00, which meant it was lunchtime. Everyone's stomaches growled loudly, especially Maraya's, who was the pig of the family. Grandma Debbie started to have a conversation to the Adams sisters about where they want to go to eat for lunch. "So, girls, where do you want to eat for lunch?"

"How about Chick-fil-a?" Maraya suggested.

"Nah, Chick-fil-a is too crowded," said grandma Debbie.

"But you always say that," Maraya insisted.

"Yeah, I do," she admitted. "but let's think of a better place to go eat at."

Then Haley got an idea about where she wanted to go eat. "How about Chipotle?"

"Nah," Maraya disagreed with her sister's idea. "Chipotle is too weird."

"What do you mean by saying that?" she asked her younger sister.

"What I mean by saying that is that Chipotle is too 'brand-new', and you should know that I don't like change," Maraya told her.

Yep, that was her all right. Because Maraya has autism, it means that she doesn't like any changes, not even the littlest ones that her family or friends make for her.

"Well, if you don't want to go to Chipotle, then let's go eat somewhere you're familiar with, like Burger King," recommended Maraya's grandma.

Maraya thought about it. Ever since she tried their famous Whopper® four days after her 17th birthday, she loved it, along with the onion rings and the zesty sauce that had the same color as thousand island dressing that some people like on their salad or McDonald's special sauce that they add on their Big Macs when topping it off for their customers. So when Maraya was finished thinking about it, she answered her grandma. "Yes, but I think you meant BK."

'Okay, BK it is," she told Maraya.

"Yes!" Maraya smiled. "Just as long as you order my order my way because that's their slogan for the restaurant."

"Okay," said her grandma. "We'll order it your way."

Maraya was so lucky and blessed to have a grandma that loves her lots and will take her anywhere that's in her home city of Georgia, especially BK. She couldn't wait to go eat her Whopper® so she'll feel good for the rest of her day.
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