Bloody The Clown

“Stop yelling.” Fred said. “She is screwed though.”
“Hell yea she is!” Jim yelled at Fred.
Fred got his binoculars and looked through them “there she is.” Jim snatched them and looked through “more beautiful than ever she should have never slapped me. Get the knife Fred.”
“Ok, are we honestly going through with this though?”
“Yes why wouldn't we be?”
“This is kind of risky.”
“Do not back out now!” After Jim said that he snatched the knife and cut Fred’s cheek then cut his you are now under oath. Fred touched his cheek, “now my mother will be asking questions.”
“Who said you’re going back home?” Jim asked
“What?” Fred asked confused
"We could run away.” Jim ensured, and walked down the grassy hill, he then looked at the big white house on the other side. “She’s rich, let's kill her family too, then steal the money.”
“Can't back down now.” Fred sighed.
Jim slowly opened the back door after playing with it for 30min. “Easy.”
“I don't know, that was pretty long.” Fred whispered. “Hush you” Jim retaliated, then slowly crept upstairs. He looked at all the doors “sixth door on the right.” Jim whispered, he looked at the hallway, it was dark. He slowly walked to the third door on the right and stared at it, the door was cracked. “The lights are off.” He said, then he slowly opened the door. There she was, sleeping. Jim slowly walked to her and softly looked over her “there there Hailey.” He said while stroking her cheek, “I can rape you right now, or kill you.” He softly placed the knife on her soft skin, she moaned in her sleep. “Ha, that was easy.” He punctured and she moaned again, he moved the knife so she wouldn't wake up. “Don't wake up love.” He looked at her room, and saw a clown mask, “must be from Halloween.” He said. He then grabbed the mask and put it on. “This will do.” He walked back to Hailey and pressed the knife on her boob, causing her to moan again. He then deepened his voice and whispered in her ear “wake up my love.” She instantly opened her eyes but before she could scream, he stabbed, and continued to stab till blood spread across her bed, on his mask, clothes, and floor. “Mission complete, but I'm not satisfied.”
He walked down the stairs and stared at Fred. “Hey there.”
“Why the mask dude, that's creepy?”
Jim didn't respond and tilted his head.
“Dude stop.”
“My name is bloody.”
“The hell?”
“Bloody…...Bloody the clown.”
He then gripped his knife and pounced on his friend, then continued to stab his eye socket repeatedly, Fred began to scream so, Bloody stabbed his mouth till it fell open and wouldn't be able to close again. “Ugly.” Bloody said. “I make better..” he then grabbed Fred’s chin pulled it down and cut it off. “…”
Bloody shook his head and the mask fell out, Jim then looked around “what the hell??” He then looked at the mask “there's a demon in there!” He yelled. The mask then began to shake and it flew back onto Jim’s head. “I am no longer Jim, I am now Bloody…..Bloody...The clown!”
(I will continue on the second chapter)
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