Chapter 9

I woke up early again today drinking my tea.I saw Alfred up early.That bloody wanker ever gets up this early. "Why are you up so early? Your never up this early " I stated drinking my tea wanting to know the truth. " I just want to go on a walk! Is that so bad ?" Alfred shouted and I shook my head " No but I want you back by ten okay?" I questioned. Alfred left but I nocited something coming out of his pocket I wondered what the paper was so I went and picked it up. I saw that it was a letter that it was for me but with no date? I opened the letter and started to read. I teared up and cried into my hands afterwards. Alfred was going to end it. He was going to kill himslef.I can't lose him. I cant. I ran out the door not caring if I had my coat or not. I looked everywhere. The 9/11 memotail, the emprie state building, Trump tower, I looked everywhere. I couldn't find Alfred anywhere. I fanily gave up looking knowing I failed to keep my promsie to him.
I was sobbing at this ponit and I realize how important Alfred was to me. I couldn't give up on him. I couldnt, I have to find him. I had to. It would kill me if I don't. I shot up from the bus bench and ran around asking everyone if they had seen Alfred. No luck. I thought of where he could be. The only place that came to mind is his capital. Washington DC. I soon asked where the nearest airport was and went onto the plane afterwards. I nocited that there was a lot of trained officials on the plane but that made sense after 9/11. I was almost asleep when the plane landed and a person had to shake me to get me up . I got up and left the plane. I didn't nocited how beautiful Alfred's capital was. I would go sight seeing but I had more important things to worry about. I ran and asked everyone where or if they had seen Alfred went to. I saw the same blonde hair and the same werid glasses he had " Alfred! There you are!" I ran to them. They turned around and I nocited it wasn't Alfred.
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