Jade meets the rest of the Underground...or does she?

Jade: i am so bored...*crossing arms*
Manic: i thought ya had work babe, ya know-the whole thief thing? *teasing*
Jade: *rolls eyes* Ugh, i can't even be bothered to do that......
Manic: wanna cig?
Jade: ew no. i can't stand those nasty cigarettes of yours.
Manic: heh, that's cause you don't have quality taste *smirks*
Jade: oh right, cause ghastly breath is SUCH quality Manic. *gets up and walks down the pth*
Manic follows and Jade just keeps walking completely bored. She hadn't been thieving for a few days now but that's only since Manic's been trying to get her to stop like he did. Problem being Jade has a bit of Kleptomania: an impulsive mental disorder that makes her feel like she HAS TO steal anything and everything (and yes this is a real disorder look it up people if ya don't believe me). Manic tho, once having the same problem in his early childhood to preteen years, knows that it can be helped. Having stopped a long time ago he tries to get Jade to do so as well just as his Siblings and Mother helped him to before. Thing is tho, Jade was taught from early on that right was wrong and wrong was right, so she's still trying to get a hold of herself at times.
Manic: *breaks the silence* by the way, i uh.
Jade: Yeah? *looking at him*
Manic: well...my family kinda wants to meet ya.
Jade: *shocked stops cold* w-what?
Manic: *worried* why is there something wrong with it?
Jade: *sighs* Manic, you know i'm not exactly uh....GOOD right?
Manic: well yah but still i-
Jade: And Your MOTHER is the QUEEN. meanig she knows me s nothing more than one of the criminals that her law enforcements keep on failin to catch *Ears drop*
Manic: ......*sighs* look, ik but maybe if she met you she'd realize ur not all bad.
Jade: Manic, that's not the point. it doesn't matter if i am or not. I already COMMITTED the crimes. She won't pardon me from them just because I'm dating her son. She's the Queen for Chaos Sake. She can't just excuse my crimes because we're going out. Hell if anything she'd probably just make us break up Manic.
Manic: *nods understanding* alright babe. i guess we'll just-
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