Act 1 How it all started

John:×looks at a giant house×yay!×runs to it and knocks and the door creeks×hello?×walks into the house×hello?×the door slams×ah! Oh wait silly me I must be losing my mind
????? ???:or are you
Sonic exe:×floats to John quick with a knife and about to stab him×
John:oh shit!!×grabs sonic exe and trying not to get stabbed and kicks sonic exe and runs×what has happen to sonic help!!!!!!!!×trying to opening the door×what!? It's locked tight oh no the key×
Tails exe:this key
Sonic exe:×does demon laugh×
John:×looks scared×
???:leave him alone
Sonic exe:huh?
Jason:×kicks sonic exe×John go move your ass!
Tails exe:×tackles Jason×
Jason:get off of me×punches tails exe×
Sonic exe:×bites Jason arm off×
Jason:ahhhhhhhhhhhh you...son of a bitch!!!!!×throws sonic exe and beats him up and runs away×
Tails exe:×about to get Jason
Sonic exe:no let him leave get the other one
Tails exe:got it
John:×hides in the closet×hope I'm safe×does hear anything and gets out of the closet×
Sonic exe:×voice echos×it's just you John
John:huh who's there?×shivers×
Sonic exe:×voice still echos×turn around×
John:×turns around×
Amy exe:×about to stab John×
Amy exe:get back here its not that bad
John:×grabs a weapons and whacks knuckles exe×they won't stop coming!
Sonic exe:×grabs and chokes John×found you
John:×kicks sonic exe and opens the door and runs×
Tails exe:get back here×runs after John×
John:×doesn't feel good for some reason and getting slower and slower until he falls down and knocked out×
Tails exe:that's weird oh well
John:×wakes up and glitching between exe and normal×
Sonic exe:come on let us kill you
John:×laughs and gets up from the ground tackles sonic exe and starts punching him×
Amy exe:×whacks John with hers hammer×
John:×gets up and gone×
Knuckles exe:fu×k!
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