Guide Me Into Death

A pale white cat walked along the streets of an abandoned city. She’d been here before, multiple times before, that is. She lived here years ago with her now deceased mate, murdered by the white cat herself. It had been… two… two years since her best friend’s life ended. Ironically, this friend was a wolf. A grey wolf, tall and strong, who stood beside the cat every day since they met. They protected each other, and kept each other safe. They cheered one another up. That all ended after they fought off some rogue dogs. The wolf’s throat was brutally torn out, and she died without saying a single goodbye. The cat tried to save her, but by the time all the herbs had been collected… the wolf was gone.
The cat scraped at the ground with unsheathed claws at the memory, cursing at herself. She could have saved her. She could have saved the wolf that saved her so many times before. Shaking her head, the cat continued on, quickly padding towards something nearby. She flicked her ear to the sound of a familiar sound of rushing water. Huffing, the cat broke into a sprint, darting towards the sound as quickly as possible.
Skidding to a stop, the cat looked down a gorge. Inside was dark, rushing water. It roared loudly at her, water splashed and glazed the cat’s dark grey paws. She let out a small cackle. Glancing to her left, she began to climb an inclined path. She walked with no emotion. It had been like this for months. Her tail flicked, and she eventually made it to the top of the hill. She looked around, as if looking to see if anyone was following, and continued down a path.
It was a short path, a dark path. She let out an angered hiss as she ran into a small spider web, and quickly clawed the web off. Shaking her head, she tried to get the feeling of web off her face. She rubbed her muzzle with a paw, growling, before continuing on. Trees towered over her head, rustling in the wind. Every now and then, a crow would fly past, ruffling the cat’s fur. It didn’t effect the feline, only annoyed her. She didn’t mind it too much, though. This happened every time she walked down this path.
She was eventually off the path and out of the small forest, now in a small clearing. Before her was a bridge. It was old, very old. It had been painted teal by the humans, but the paint had been chipping off for years. Planks were missing or broken here and there, and it definitely couldn't even support the weight of a single human. It would support her weight…
And if it didn’t? Who would care? She’d just fall. Fall into the rushing black water beneath. She’d drown, and she’d be happy. She’d see those she’d lost long ago, she’d be free. She’d be loved again. She wouldn’t deal with anymore pain, and everything would be alright. Was this a possible suicide attempt? No… it couldn’t be…. She’s not trying to die… right?
Shaking away her thoughts, she walked along the bridge. It creaked beneath her, but she wasn't afraid. If her life ended, so what? Would anyone be effected? No. No one would care. That’s when the bridge slightly shook. It didn't collapse, but it creaked loudly. The cat lowered her ears to the sound of paws approaching. Sniffing the air, she searched for the scent of what was approaching. Growling, she recognized who it was in an instant. Lavender. Her kitten whom she’d loved so much.
She still loved him, but he was grown up. He was much larger than her, and could take her out with a single blow. The albino cat turned to see the tom. There he was, tall and strong. He looked angered, and he looked as if he’d been traveling for a long while with little to no rest. His brown tabby fur was knotted and messy, clearly hadn’t been cleaned for days. Moons, even. His light purple eyes, which gave him the name Lavender, were clouded with anger. Flicking his tail, he approached slowly.
His claws unsheathed. “Have anything else to say? I’ve been following you, making sure you didn't end anyone else’s life.”
The white cat rolled her eyes. “Who said I was going to kill someone else? I only killed Deputy because he attacked me first. And who said I meant to kill him, because I certainly did not try to. It’s his fault he slipped into that ravine. I had nothing to do with it,”
“And it’s obvious you don’t care that my father died. He was your mate for heaven’s sake, and do you give a shit!? No. You don’t care. You don’t care about anyone but yourself anymore.” Lavender spat at her. “I don’t even know if I have the right to call you mother, Ashton.”
The female cat, seemingly known as Ashton, lashed her tail back and forth, furious at her son’s words. “And I don’t have any right to call you my son! You weren’t even my actual kit in the first place!”
Lavender’s eyes widened at those words. He growled lightly. “And whatever do you mean by that…?”
“We found you, me and Deputy. You were just three moons old, and the pity we felt… we took you and raised you, we called you ‘son’ for that short while but, hey, one of us is about to die, so why keep anymore secrets!?” Ashton hissed. She looked down at the water, it had seemingly grown stronger. Flicking her tail, she glared at Lavender. “I’m guessing you’re here to end my life, so go ahead. If you don’t want to do it yourself…” she raised a paw off the bridge. “I’ll do it myself,” she teased him lightly. “You don’t have the guts to end me.”
Lavender let out a furious hiss at this, unsheathing his claws, and swiping. His claws met something, and sliced through fur and skin. Ashton stumbled a bit, and looked at Lavender. A giant gash had formed across her chest. She smiled a bit. “Great job…” she coughed. “I’m proud of you,” Ashton purred a bit before slipping.
Lavender attempted to catch the one he once called ‘mother’, but she was already gone. She was engulfed in the black, rushing water, never to be seen again. She was probably already dead. Lavender ran off the bridge and along the side of the canyon like area. Surely his mother would wash up on the shore. She had to, he needed to bury her. The tabby leapt down a few rocks and onto the shore, where the water had calmed. He lay down, and watched the water, waiting.
Ashton opened her eyes, swiping her way through the water. Which way was up? She couldn’t tell… Her lungs screamed for air, but she couldn’t breath. Sputtering chokes erupted from her throat, before she finally went silent.
Ashton drowned before the wound in her chest wound could have ended her. Ashton didn’t know where she’d awake, or if she’d awake at all. But, blinking open her eyes, she looked around. An abandoned city. It was sparkly, and something approached. Ashton stood, wobbly, and watched. She narrowed her eyes, seeing a canine. Perking her ears, her eyes widened, realizing who it was. “Wolfy!?”
The canine was a wolf, a large grey one. Her eyes were a crystalized blue, and her chest and belly were pure white with a tinge of grey on the muzzle. Ashton shook her head, she couldn't believe it. Rushing over, she tackled the wolf in a mewl, whimpering a bit. She was happy… she was with her again. And she planned that it would stay that way.
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