part 1 meeting a hero (Abtha)

Villain Deku; ok sero i can f-cking hear you *grabs gun
Villian Sero; oh hi boss!
Abtha; -grabs v sero´s gun and runs off-
V deku: pins abtha to the ground* well, someones in an pickle~ -he laughs- well should i kill you or spare you?~
how about f-ck me in the a** gently with a chainsaw~? -wraps him around with legs-
v sero; did she just? // v shoto; told the ¨most bad a**¨ to f-ck her in the a** gently with a chainsaw? if that is correct than yeah-
V Deku: nah, throws seros gun to sero* THERE MOTHERF-CKER
Abtha; good anwser...-lefts legs up to his face, turns him around, pins him instead-
v sero; thanks! and oh...haha he in thy pickle^^ // v baku; -stomps on v sero foot-
V Deku: you fell right into my trap~! *ropes pulls her and ties her down* bye!~ *jumps away and dissapears
Abtha; WELL SH-T! -agressviely struggles- UGH!! let me go you demon sucking b-tch!
V Deku: smiles* nah b-tch!
Abtha; -groans, head hangs low-
V Deku: walks to them* so im in a pickle?
Abtha; -eyes looks up at him- maybe? idk am i? -chuckles-
V Deku: alright now i can finally f-cking sleep. *tps to his room
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