It begins

Keinoa's dad:huh?
Keinoa:shows his bullet ammo
Keinoa's brother:×eyes widen×
Four gun shoots were heard
A voice comes over the radio keinoa has killed 4 people he's in the lead
Keinoa:×jumps out of the car and crys×whyyyyy!!!!
Kill count: 4 Keinoa's dad sister mom and brother mercy killed by keinoa himself with a gun
Keinoa:screw it I'm by myself I must seem them×try to shoot self but no ammo and he crys×why! No I can't kill myself for my family!! ×grabs a machete from his brothers hand and goes into the woods to find shelter× sees a walkie-talkie ×talks into it×hello?
Keinoa:were are you
???:I'm not letting someone know we're I am to fight me
Keinoa:I won't fight I prosime
???:fine a abandoned tower find that
Keinoa:okay×almost gets shot by a arrow and looks mad he sees masked×
Masked:×takes out machete and runs to keinoa×
Keinoa:×kicks him and runs to him and try to slashes him but misses masked×
Masked:×shoulder tackles keinoa×
Keinoa×hits a tree and gets up and grabs a axe and throws it stabs masked×
Masked:×falls on his back×
Voice:keinoa wins 1 masked wins 0
Masked:×gets up snaps neck and talks in demon voice×don't get so excited
Keinoa:I do what I ever want
masked:×throws his machete×
Keinoa:×dodges and cuts a tree down×
Masked:×dodges and grabs his machete×
Keinoa:×grabs masked and shocks him×
Masked:×Flys very far×
Voice:keinoa wins!
Keinoa:what the hell did I get myself into × finds a abandoned tower×there it is×runs to it and opens the door only to see someone with a chainsaw and a pistol×
???:who are you?!
Keinoa:I was guy the walkie-talkie
????:yeah right ×shoots his gun×
Keinoa:oh shit
????:×shoulder tackles and shoots with his gun 3 times×
Keinoa:×hits a wall gets up××clones ???? Gun and shoots it 5 times× huh you like that bitch!
???:×slashes with chainsaw 10 times×
Keinoa:×goes back a little×ow!×star punches ??? And ???? At the same time×go die!
????:×headbutts keinoa×
Keinoa:ow! What the hell! Stupid asshole! You won't see me coming×goes into the ground and comes behind ???? And whacks him with a ice hammer×
???:leave him alone×grabs keinoa and throws him×
Keinoa:×gets throw into a cage the door for the cage closes×shit!what the hell was that for
???:for payback
keinoa:is someone setting me up for this ×loads his gun quick and shoots himself×
????:holy shit!
???:well we be dammed that didn't end well
Keinoa:×respawns outside of the building he was just at×are you fu×king! Kidding me why won't I just die ×throws his gun on the floor and stomps on it×
???:what the how are you alive
Keinoa:I don't know!!!!!! ×whispers to self×I hate to say it hey! I hate to say it but could we team up!
????:fine I'm nick that's tori
Keinoa:nice I'm keinoa just let me in
Tori:alright sorry about that
Keinoa:it's fine
×the door opens×
Keinoa:×walks inside×
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