Day 2, other half.

I cried, He laugh, Ella rushed back in a furious hurry seeing whats up, She found me sitting in the corner when Jay was pushing n' punching me. Ella Told Jay
To get real again, That was school, It was a bad expierence but theres always time for clubbing, Me and ella drove in my new Aldi which i bought off
my dad's money and my mome's change which made the big ammount of a fresh new aldi car, The club was far from the highschool
but id never quit on the club if i had a lady i loved, Fun fact: Jay is a very very fast runner he caught up with us on the car and jamp
on the back, I stopped the car in a rush, Me and ella peeped at the back seeing that angry face ruining the whole day.What you chumps runnin
the roads of New york doing? You're supposed to be in school! Jay screamed, School was over and tried to lie to us. Ella got fooled,
Ella shouted at me in fear saying we do have to go to school and Jay laughed. But he laughed too loud and me and Ella caught him " red mouthed "
I wasent fooled and untill i was about to start driving again Jay pulled out a sharp knife and broke my car window, We both screamed in horror thinking
we were going to get killed. We had strong minds and think about everything in one brain even sparing two to make it better.
Ella used her right foot to drive us away up to 100 MPH which caused me to get dizzy, Jay fell off and so did the knife, But the knife
landed on the chair, It was night and we were late for the party, We just decided to go home, Ella asked me, Can I stay with you?
I kept thinking about the party, The reason they couldent go anymore is because his friend James Borron Or to be clearer his brother
made a party called the Bass Increased Party, But it ended at 1 AM which was the current time, I said yes to Ella and we both drove to my house
We slept together in 2 double beds my mum used with her loads of change.
Day 3 out : Saturday.
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