Forestry , tribals' livelyhood

"HUH?" the girl said . she was puzzeled and didn't know what was going on..
Adam realised that they could not understand him. so he grabbed the young girl's hand and ran away. " Alaipinos!!" cried old man
The Old man followed them but could not run further. the young girl looked into Adam's eyes and said " i .. i NAme?
" YOU KNOW ENGLISH!? " asked Adam " i..i..i yes english. replied Alaipinos. " great!! i know english too. i am a french man but i am educated so i can speak english..are you educated?" asked Adam " EDU...edukaitaied?!?! asked Alaipinos. " uh..leave it! so lets make our own home! what say? "HOi-Me..waiht? asked Alai. " haha .... You mean what! don't ya? a home is a place where a family lives! FAMILY. F-A-M-I-L-Y!" " Fai-Moi-LAI?? FaMoLI! Famoly! family!!! . repeated Alai untill she got it right
" you are a fast learner! let's build our house in france!! shall we?" asked Adam, excited
"hmm... mo.... Papa!! I !! Papa!! I !!Papa!! Papa ...Famoly! cried Alai
" i know that you need your Papa! but when you will marry you need to leave your P-A-P-A! don't wory..i'm with you!"
Alai kept quite . Adam and Alai went to the Airport in Brazil and Adam bought tickets for Both of them . they stayed in a Lodge near the Airport. they went to the Airport the next morning. Adam tried his best to keep Alai happy. he gave her Jewellery, gorgeous dresses..everything. when they went to france he introduced Alai to his Mom and Dad
Adam's Mom said furiously "Ce qui ? une fille de la forêt ta femme ! Pas question !" (What? a forest girl your wife! no way! ")
" Please Mamma!!!" plead Adam . His mother did not agree . then Adam went away from the house grabbing Alaipinos'n hand and said "Huuh ! Je vais construire ma propre maison ! Nous allons vivre heureux !(huuh! i will build my own house! we will live happily!)
Adam gave Alai everything but still she was upset. Adam became Alai's teacher and taught her french and english.
Alai was also taught science, maths. Alai was happy but she was missing her Papa so much . One day Alai asked Adam " Adam.. you are such a nice person.. so sweet and kind but why did you separate me and my papa? my happiness dosen't lie in these things like money, gold, happiness is when i live with my papa! " you love me?" asked Alai looking in Alai's eyes. " yes i do..." said Alai . " Love is all about sacrifice! i forgot about my parents and didn't i leave them alone? why? cause i live you! you too leave your Papa alone cause you love me! now foget about our elders! let's make our own world!!!" said Adam with lot of ethusiasm.
"sigh! As you say.." said Alai with no hope to see her papa
In the night , Alai gazed at the starry sky. in a corner , a big , bright star appeared. she called it PAPA star and a small star near it, shiny, she called it Mamma Star. She was dreaming of her past, when she was a kid, living happily with her Mom and dad. one day her Mom died of heart pain. Alai started cry " Mamma!Pappa! i miss you two..(sob)
Stay tuned for next chapter
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