Once upon a time there was a king and queen they had wished for a child then one day they got one from the crystal castle from magic ville. They named her rapunzal but her real name was punzal they had raw milk so they put a ra in it to make rapunzal. So one day there was this weird ugly old witch she used to be the prettiest girl until the king turned her into that ugly monster so she got jealous and stole rapunzal when she was only 2 months old. So she lived most of her life in a castle and wished for her self to be free and eat a taco and get married while eating a taco there was a robber who was running away from the police and he jumped into the castle and rapunzal smacked him with a fry pan and he started falling down and rapunzal locked him in the closet. Soon he woke up and wondered where he was and then a light bulb on top of him lit up and he knew where he was he tried getting out but he couldnt so then he yelled get me out and he pushed the locks and got out and he said your the weird girl who hit me in the head with a fry pan and rapunzal got the fry pan and she almost hit him then she stopped and said who are you and he said i am zayn malik and she said ok im rapunzal and they got married well then louis tomlinson took her away and zayn and rapunzal devoriced and louis and rapunzal got together and they lived happily ever after the end.