The Eternal War

The Eternal War

Living a tough sixteen year life, Suki knew how to stay strong and fight. When the war starts, she never imagined her best friends, Mako and Koga, and her self would be involved fighting a adult war. Unknown of who they were fighting, the friends were pulled into a war they would play a important part in. Will their friendship stay strong, or will the war tear them apart?

published on August 09, 2014not completed


In front of me stood a young man with blonde hair almost covering over his seemed to be blue eyes. His pale skin was covered by his camo shirt, camo cargo pants and brown boots. Not meeting my glance, the young man seemed to be focused on the paper his hands were attached to. Confused, I waved my hand in front of his face to signal I was standing in front of him. After that, he jumped a little and stared at me with his blue eyes wide open.

"Oh, wow. Sorry for the wait. My name is Logan Mitchell. General Caesar ordered me to come retrieve you, Suki Azuma. Please follow me to the jeep." (Young Man)

I didn't want to talk back to him. From the looks of his appearance, Logan was about in his late teens. My thoughts just stayed focused on the closest jeep in front of me. I couldn't see if Mako and Koga were inside the jeep, but my heart beat fast at the thought of them inside. Looking at Logan, I noticed him walking to the backseat of the jeep. The jeep was covered in camo, but other than that seemed like a regular vehicle. As Logan opened the door, I felt my heart beating. Faster. Faster. The more he opened the door I felt my heart continue to beat. Walking to the halfway opened door, I looked inside.

My heart instantly dropped.

No one was in the back seat. I had got my hopes up too high. Getting inside the dark jeep, I sat down and noticed someone else in the driver's seat. Hearing the door shut, I glared at the brown hair on the driver's head. That hair. His hair was about the same length as Mako. Watching the back of his head, I never noticed Logan getting inside the jeep.

"Well Welcome to the Eternal War, Suki." (Logan)
"Pretty strange to see a girl in the Alphas." (Driver starting the jeep)
"Oh come on. It will be a new start, Hikari." (Logan)
"Still. I think the test might have been rigged. I mean a woman in the Advanced Alphas." (Hikari driving)
"You sound like one of those old men from the base." (Logan)
"Am I the only one from my school joining the Advanced?" (Me)
"..Yes. You are the only one qualified to be with us." (Logan)
"The other two Alphas will be on the same basic camp, but Advanced is only aloud to stay on the Advanced side unless we have paperwork, or something is going on." (Hikari driving)
"Oh ok." (Me)
"So, Suki? Was it? How did you pass the test so advanced?" (Hikari still drving)
"Well I just did everything I thought was right." (Me)
"See. She did everything by what she thought was right." (Logan)
"Ok. Another question. Where did you learn to fight?" (Hikari driving in the woods)
"My brother taught me. He loved fighting, so I wanted to learned." (Me)
"Where is he now?" (Logan)
"Car accident. Killed him." (Me)

After that, I did not really continue paying attention to the conversation around me. No Mako. No Koga. They were in different groups than me, but we were still on the same base. Maybe I could still be able to see them. Was I getting my hopes up again? Reaching for the key around my neck, I held it tight in my hands. The key that holds us together. Green and blue and red. The three colors that symbolizes all of us.

Looking out the window, I saw it. The ware houses swarming with male soldiers walking inside and outside of buildings. Buildings were separated with letters. Right side was A, middle side was P, and left side was B. Before entering the base, we were stop by guards standing in the front line. When it was our turn, Hikari rolled down the window. I was still unable to see his face from the back seat. Only his brown hair and pale skin.

"Who is in the back?" (Guard)
"New soldier." (Hikari)
"A girl? Fine. Free to enter." (Guard)

Shaking his head, Hikari drove on through the entrance way and into the small cabin with the word A on the top of it. The cabin appeared to be only a one person living arrangement. This must of been where the general stayed at, but why was it so small? Stopping the jeep, Hikari put the jeep in park, turned it off, and got out of the jeep. With my backpack cringed tightly to my back, I opened the door and walked outside in the training camp. The shout of men burst out in front of me as I got out. Loud. Tough. Manly voices roared through out the area. Some were screaming while others were grasping for breathe. Walking around the jeep, I saw the hazel eyes staring at me with annoyance. His chiseled figures made my heart beat fast. His uniform showed off most of his muscular figures.

Suddenly, I felt a hand squeezed my shoulder. I did not bother to look who it was, but instead I reached my small hand on the male hand beside me and threw him over my shoulder. Hearing the scream, I finally realized who it was. Freaking Logan. Glaring at him with my brown eyes, I sensed he felt scared of my presence now.

"I am so sorry! You startled me!" (Me helping Logan up)
"Haha! At least she is strong for a girl." (Hikari laughing)
"Ouch. Yeah you are strong." (Logan rubbing his back)
"I hope everyone saw that!" (Hikari still laughing)
"Shut up. Well this is where you will be staying. They thought we would have to increase the girls' room over time, but I guess we were wrong. You will be by yourself." (Logan walking to the door of the cabin)
"Will I be safe?" (Me following him)
"Of course. But, if I were you, I would lock and barrack the door every night." (Hikari following)
"He is right. Some of these guys haven't seen a female in a long time. Due to this, I will bring you food around seven every day." (Logan twisting the door)
"Thank you." (Me)
"Oh um, don't mention it!" (Logan hiding his blush)
"He also hasn't seen a woman in a long time." (Hikari whispers in my ear)

Entering the room, dust raided the entire area of the room. A couple of bunk beds filled the room, and there was only one bathroom in the back. Wooden boards covered the entire part of the house. Each step I could hear the creek of the old wood floors. Only one window was in the average size living space.

"Well it is a little dusty, but doesn't seem that bad." (Hikari leaning against the wall)
"At least it is better than being around a bunch of guys." (Logan walking around)
"Better than nothing I always say." (Me looking around)
"Smart girl this one is." (Hikari)
"When you learn to be strong, brains have to be the next thing to improve." (Me)
"Hey! Reminds me. I got your dinner and some clothes. Let me go get it." (Logan running out the door)

Silence. Only Hikari and me in the same cabin. At first, my heart started beating fast, but the cold expression made me realize how Koga was before me met. My heart began to break at the thought of not seeing my best friends. What could they be doing now? Would I ever see them again? Stuck in my despair of thoughts, I was finally knocked out of it by one question.

"What makes you so special?" (Hikari)
"What?" (Me)
"No girl. Not even the strongest of strong have been able to get in here. But, a girl can." (Hikari walking to me)
"Talent, I guess." (Me throwing my back pack on the bed)
"Well lets find out." (Hikari)

In the corner of my eye, I saw a punch coming straight towards my face. Ducking down, I glared confusing at the tall man. What does he think he is doing? Getting on the toes of my feet, I bounced for a while. In my mind, I could tell by his appearance he was stronger than me and maybe a little faster and more skilled, but if I could find the weakness, I could win. Another punch launched from his arm and aimed for my stomach. Taking the punch, I felt the ache and pain form, but I wasn't going to lose and his over confident what was going to let me win. Noticing a weak moment, I landed a clean punch to the nose. With his eyes closed, Hikari back up and held his nose. My chance arouse. Running up to Hikari, I swept my legs under his feet. Watching the tall man fall, I noticed something sharp and shiny gleaming from his belt. Another chance arouse as I pounced on top of the falling man. Reaching his belt, I detached the knife and held it firmly in my hand. Pushing the knife against his throat, I felt fear coming from the hazel eyes of the man I was on top of.

"Why did you attack me?" (Me pressing the knife on his throat)
"Just wanted to see if you could do a surprise attack." (Hikari)
"Liar. Tell the truth." (Me)
"Well I wanted to find out if you were just some small town girl who got lucky." (Hikari)
"What is going on?!?!" (Logan walking in the door)
"He tried attacking me." (Me not looking behind me)
"Hikari!" (Logan hearing him throw my stuff on a bottom bunk)
"If the pretty girl will just get off of me, I will explain." (Hikari winking at me)
"Ugh, fine. But, I am keeping the knife until I feel safe." (Me getting of and heading to Logan)
"Let me explain. I was getting her ready." (Hikari standing up)
"Ready? For?" (Me)
"Tomorrow, you will be woken up early and ordered to fight a random member in any Alpha area. This will be to test your strength. Don't hesitate. Who ever it is won't go as easy as me." (Hikari walking to the door)
"It is getting late." (Logan grabs knife) "No one should come get you. Eat up and get some good sleep. I will come get you in the morning." (Walking to the door)
"Wait, what Alpha are y'all?" (Me)
"Advanced. Welcome to the Eternal War, new meat." (Hikari)

Watching as both Hikari and Logan left the room, I stood there still shocked of my first fight in my own place. Glaring around at the lonely room, I realized just how real this was getting. The bright moon shined out of the wind as I stared out the small window. Lights shined out of window buildings. Turning around, I glared at the little box of food sitting on my bed. Walking over, the creeks still continued with every step I took. Finally making it to the box, I opened it and found mashed potatoes, a pork chop and carrots plus a large bottle of water beside it. Grabbing the fork, I tried eating the food, but my nerves just increased. I couldn't eat all of it.

Don't get me wrong. It was really really good, but I was just more worried were my friends were. Did my mother and father read the note? How were they? My mind continued to get stuck on the thought of where the people I cared about was. Instead of eating the food, I sat there and continued to spin my food around the food. Looking in front of me, I was the clothes in front of me.

What was I looking at? The clothes he brought me was a camo sports bra, tight cargo shorts, and brown boots. Last time I checked, we were fighting a war. Not a let's make the alone girl in camp be halfway naked. I mean come on. I don't think I am that good looking. Well, to the guys I am pretty hot but still. If Mako was here, he would be telling me that I was beautiful, and Koga would blush and agree with him. Oh, how I missed my friends. What if they died before I could ever see them again, or what if I die?

Suddenly, I heard the door creeping open. Someone here? Reaching for my back pack, I carefully pulled out the red and black gun and pointed it at the door. Standing up, I held the gun strongly in my hand. I never had to use a gun on another human being before, but I knew how to shoot it. The hunting ranges helped out a lot with learning how to shoot. The door opened up more, so I stood up firmly and ready for the man coming in.

"STOP! I will shoot!" (Me)
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on August 16, 2014
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on August 13, 2014