

idk really what to put here but imma be disgussing lies that were told, drama, and other many things, this is mostly for ppl who know me so uh yeah, ig have at it lol

published on May 09completed

me and @tinygoat

|| me and @TinyGoat ||

At first we were ok and i dated her for a few but then she said some things i will not mention which i misunderstood and broke up with her, anyways after that we had some drama and HATED each other but until smt happened i dont really know why but uh we were cool but then i kinda went to the hospital and yk some stuff and i lost memory once again but not much due to me hitting my head really hard on smt, but im now aware of what happened until a few days ago, so idk what else to put here…btw she is a amazing person, and i regret everything i did.
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Comments (4)

Bro I tell you I started sweating bad trying to read it bc my brain gave up on me after the first chapter but I made it through 🥲
About Author
on May 10
About Author
on May 10
not gonna lie as SOON as u posted this I read it faster than doing math problems
About Author
on May 09
About Author
on May 09