Elements Textbook

Elements Textbook

This textbook, for my Mystical Academy, will describe the elements in detail.

published on April 17, 2015not completed

Earth, Fire, Water, and Air


The symbol for Earth is a tree. Its colors are green, blue, and brown, with lavender tints. The symptom that someone has the power of Earth is that they are very good at rock or tree climbing. If they train, they will be able to communicate with animals. The final power - that can only be attained with a lot of training - is super-strength. The talisman for Earth is a stone. Earth's spirit animal is an owl. The name of the Earth elemental leader is Terra.


The symbol for Water is a wave. Its colors are turquoise, blue, pearly pink, and orange. The symptom that someone has the power of Water is that they love to swim and are great swimmers. If they train, they will be able to cause small waves. The final power can only be attained by many years of training, and in this case, it is the ability to breathe underwater. The talisman for Water is a seashell. Water's spirit animal is a turtle. The name of the Water elemental leader is Coral.


The symbol for Fire is a flame. Its colors are golden, ruby red, bright orange, and yellow. The symptom that someone has the power of Water is that they are deeply intrigued by flames in general. If they train, they will be able to control fire. The final power is that they will be immune to fire. The talisman for Fire is either a lit candle or a piece of coal. Fire's spirit animal is a tiger. The name of the Fire elemental leader is Inferno.


The symbol for Air is a cloud. Its colors are ivory, sky blue, golden yellow, and sapphire. The symptom that someone has the power of Air is that they love being up high. If they train, they will be able to run extremely fast. The final power is flight, although it can only be attained through many years of training. The talisman for Air is a feather. Air's spirit animal is an eagle. The name of the Air elemental leader is Skye.
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