Fangs (Chapter 1 preview)

The day had progressed far enough along when suddenly a dog wandered into the park, and like any stereotypical little kid would do I just had to go and pet the big dog. Of course my mother had seen it wander in too, but by the way it walked and how it acted it seemed tame and harmless. So my mom didn't worry much. To this day, however, I feel like she regrets that decision with all her heart. I mean after I was bitten on my arm and then scratched down my back I had to be hospitalized for a while.
Not until I was older and rewatched the new coverage during that time did I know the extent, my father who was a hunter went through to organized a hunt for this dog out of vengeance for hurting me and the fear of it hurting other children around town. So one day with a license to hunt the dangerous dog down my father went out with his buddies and once it was located it was put down. I will never know if the death of that dog was painful or quick and painless...
~ This is just a preview of what the first chapter will be like. When and or if I do post chapter 1 some of this may be changed or added onto. This is just a rough preview for this story. ~
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