The First phase: uncontrollable speed (part 1)

"...So when Apple Jack defeated the storm king..." Said Apple Bloom. "Wait! She told you she defeated the storm king?" Asked Twilight in shock. "No, but it makes for a better story." Said Apple Bloom. "STOP THE TRAIN!" Said Starlight. "Starlight?" Asked the Cmc. "Stop the train!" All four Cmcs yelled towards the front of the train. "What are you doing her?" Asked Scootaloo with a little blush. "Map mission. Spike told me." Said Starlight taking deep breaths for the long run. "Spike!?!" Asked Twilight unhappy. "Well, we thought you were already there. So, supervision." Said spike nervously. Starlight hugged Scootaloo and took a seat. The train starts moving. "How did you get here so fast?" Asked sweetie belle. Starlight vibrates her hoof. "Thats how." "All abord!" Said the train conductor.
The cbc rush out of the train. " So, uh, how does the map work? " Asked Starlight. "I don't know." Sweetie Belle said. "ANY GRIFF HAVE A PROBLEM?" Scootaloo yells. Every griff just stares weirdly. "No? Ok, that's all I got." The cmc blink in disbelief. "What? At least I weren't raised in a barn!" Scootaloo said . "Hey!!" , Apple Bloom helped back. "Hello?" Asked a sea pony. " I'm starstream's brother, terrimer. " "and I'm im ocean breeze, sister of skystar."
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