Chapter 1

Doll : Miaou
I stay a few seconds without saying anything before I start to laugh. « The doll meows? » I have never laughed so much in my life.
Doll : Oh come on, wake up!
I look at the doll with big eyes. « What? »
Doll : Open your eyes!
I move back some steps before closing my eyes. When I open them, Im not with the doll, Im in my room. I raise my head quickly and I see Amy and Blaze sitting on the ground.
Amy : Thank god your awake!
Blaze : I told you 1 million time, we are NOT gonna be late. You woke up Milea for nothing!
Milea (me) : Hum… What’s going on?
Amy : It’s day class! First day of school…
Milea : What time is it?
Amy : Six thirty AM
Milea : Why did you wake me at this time?
Blaze : She thinks we’re gonna be late
Milea : What? But school only begins at nine!
Amy : Yeah but… I want to see if Im in the same class as Sonic…
Milea : You can go to see your class at 8:30 like every year ... Why do you want to go earlier?
Amy : Because I decided that this year, I’ll choose my place…
Milea : What?
Amy : At every year Im always the last one to be in my class, so I always have the last available place, the one just in front of teacher. Remember last year? I was always taken as an example for the most embarrassing things!
Milea *chuckles* : I remember in history when you were the witch. The teacher had taken you in example for the techniques of torture…
Amy : Thanks for reminding me
Milea : No problem!
Amy : Whatever, that’s why Im going to be at the bottom of the class this year!
Milea : I don’t recommend you
Amy : Why?
Milea : All the students who take place in the back are automatically suspicious for the professor. He will have it after you till the end of the year.
Amy : Im a good student, there will be no problems.
Milea : I don’t think so…
Amy : ARGH just stop it! My place is in the back of the class, end of the discussion.
Milea : Yeah yeah… Now get out, Im gonna dress myself.
Amy : Ok. Do you want pancakes Blaze?
Blaze : Cool.
The girls leave my room and I sit on my bed. I spend 5 minutes asking if I go back to bed or if I get up ... I finally decided to get up when I see the dark red school uniform on my chair. I take the white polo and the dark red skirt and go put them. I don’t like the dark red color but I think that the uniform is cute. I take the long white socks and the required black shoes of the school. When Im finally ready, I get out of my room and go back to the kitchen. When I arrive, Amy is cooking pancakes and Blaze is doing her bag.
Milea : You didn’t do it yesterday?
Blaze : No, it was Cream’s bag. Cream wanted me to help.
Milea : Okay…
I sit on a chair and waited for the pancakes.
Blaze : Look what I have…
Blaze takes out a picture of her bag and give it to me. It’s the photo class of last year. Amy, Blaze and I were in the same class. I look closer at Shadow’s face and start to laugh. We took the photo at least a thousand time because Blaze was always closing her eyes. Shadow wanted to say something to Blaze so that she understands that he wanted to leave, but he shouted at the same time that the picture have been taken. On the original photo we see Shadow open his mouth like a big idiot but since it has been retouched, it seems fair that he has big jowls like a squirrel. We all the class saw the photo, we didn’t see Shadow for a week. He’s the type of guy who skips school and has good notes anyway. I don’t know how he can do this.
I give the photo to Blaze. She approaches the photo closer to her and starts to laugh too.
Blaze : Look! The only photo Im not closing my eyes, Shadow looks like a squirrel!
Milea : I didn’t notice it…
Amy : Milea, pancake.
Milea : Yay!
She puts the pancake on my plate and I start to eat. After eating breakfast, we decide to go to school. I think this will be the first time we will not run for not being late the first day…
I go up to my room and take the dark red and black jacket of the uniform. The jacket has a big planet logo on the left arm. It’s the new logo of Mobius Highschool.
Amy : Come on Milea! We’ll be late!
Milea : I don’t think so…
Amy : Whatever, I want to see my class…
We walk slowly to the school. Usually we are used to see lot of people everywhere on the sidewalks. But today there is not one. I understand people, get up so early is not really fun. When we arrive, Amy starts to run to the main door of the building. She pulls the door and it opens.
Amy : Great! School is open!
Milea *sarcastically* : Yay
We enter in the main place of the school. It’s really big. There’s couches across the place. This place is exclusively for the students who want to chat at the lunch. You can eat there, play cards, relax… Like a real chat room.
Amy : Look! There’s the list!
Blaze and I walk to the lists and seek our names.
Amy : 3th grade… There!
She points a big list with many names. She starts to read all the names on the list.
Amy : Hum… There! Amy Rose... Blaze! … Milea! … *sighs* Scourge, Shadow, Silver… SONIC! Yay!!
Milea : Yay, we are only 7 in our class…
Amy : No! There’s Knuckles (what?), Rouge (double what? ), Tails…
Milea : Tails?
Amy : T_T
Milea : Yeah, Tails… Of course… Tails…
Amy : And there’s so many other people I don’t care…
Milea : Wtf…
Amy : What?
Milea : Nothing…
Amy : Okay…
I look at the list again. « Some people are just too old to be in 3th grade… Bah. » I shrug and join the girls.
Milea : So… Do you want to go choose your place and your locker?
Amy : We can choose our locker?
Milea : Yup. In 3th grade, we can.
Amy : Cool.
We leave the main place and go to our class. Nobody is in the class, we’re alone.
Amy : FINALLY! Im the first one to be in my class!
Milea : Yay…
I enter in the class slowly. What will happen this year?
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