Birth of the Rebellion

The ambulance rushed through the trashy city streets to make it to the hospital, which stood out as from the rest of the gloomy city. It was covered in a polar white while the buildings surrounding it are a darkened brick color.
They made it to the hospital just in time. The woman was taken into the ER. The doctors still wore the unsettling masks. After the painful screams of labor were done, she looked at her two twins.
"Shepherd", the woman said as she pointed to the girl. The doctors would then hand her the boy.
"Gabriel," she said, holding the boy in her arms.
The twins lived a more easy life, since her mother was of the more wealthy bunch. The dictator, Kento, established different families to be within a certain class. Kento assigned both of the twins to be in the high class. The twins grew more older and older, and as they grew, the more their hatred grew for Kento. Everyday when they went to work, they'd see ten low-class citizens lined up against a building on their knees. Once they walked by, they'd hear gunshots. This angered both of them, and decided enough was enough. They recruited a friend into the first Rebellion they had created. It was now their duty to recruit more and bring back the utopian society of Handiov.
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