
"Well aren't you happy? For what?" asked her BFF Chloe.
"Haha! You don't know?" Sammy turned facing forward to Chloe with her big grin. "Today is the first day of school! Did you not know?"
Chloe rolled her eyes. "Of course I do. It's the worst day of the whole year. Wait until they give you homework on the first day." Said Chloe while budging her head into Sammy's face.
"Huh? No! They give it to you on the second week! Like Mrs. Rise did!" She crossed her arms, and looked away from Chloe.
"Haha, yes they do, Sam! Mrs. Rise treated us like 3rd graders. Now it's 10th grade as we call it." Explained Chloe.
"Nuh-uh, Chloe! You're just really angry about school and jealous I am happy about it!" Cried out Sammy.
Chloe sighed. "You act like a 1st grader. It's all Mrs. Rise's fault." She said.
"No, I act like a 15th grader!" Complained Sammy.
"Laugh out loud, Sam! There is no fifteenth grade! Unless if you want to stay in school that long." Chloe laughed.
Sammy looked away and thought. "Well, I do Chlo! That's right! I gave you a nickname TOO!" She pouted.
"Okay then, if you want to do that you can graduate with some other class. And don't get all jealous when my grade graduates before yours, miss. I-want-better-grades. And oh boy did I forgot! You'll marry some other boy who is like three years younger than you.. Why not marry Jayden? Your crush?" Chloe asked, trying to force Sammy to change her mind.
"Ugh, ONLY FOR JAYDEN. Because I rather graduate with someone not so angry with my choices." Explained Sammy.
"Fare enough, you may find your new friend... Chop chop! School almost starts!" Chloe looked at her watch on her wrist, and looked up at Sammy. She'd always try to make herself sound smarter around Sammy.
"Fine! I just said RATHER Chlo! No need to make a big excuse around me!" Cried out Sammy, finally giving up. She'd always try to make Chloe's point wrong but she couldn't.
She ran into class, as the bell rang. "Got to get going!" She cried out loud, as she swung by people's sides.
"Where are you going?" Teased Jayden.
"Class!" Cried out Sammy, swinging her arms back and fourth. Her eyes were closed, tightly. Sweat dripped all over her face.
"Well, so am I. Cool incidents." Teased Jayden, again.
"Well, yeah... Duh." Laughed Sammy.
She began running until Jayden said, stop. "Hey! Aren't you gonna WALK with me?" He asked.
Sammy's eyes widened as she nodded. "yeah..." She said slowly.
They began to walk together, but Sammy starred at the floor and nervously blushed. She began sweating, while holding her left arm tightly as possible. "Are you okay? You're acting like you just saw somebody killing somebody." Jayden asked.
"I AM FINE!" Yelled Sammy, while her eyes widened. "Heh... Why wouldn't I be?" She nervously said.
"You have a problem..." Said Chloe while everyone starred at Sammy.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever Chloe. It's not like you're a doctor." Sammy rolled her eyes.
As they approached class, she saw frogs on each desk. "HUH? The... Frog experiment.." cried Sammy. As she saw the frog's croak.
"It's called Science, Sam." Said Chloe sitting next to Sammy.
She poked the frog, and giggled. "It will be fun, killing you." She said.
A nerd sat next to Chloe. "You like science, too?" He asked pushing up his broken glasses.
"Yeah, duh. But nothing else!" Said Chloe.
"Well I am Timmy, and you are?" He asked.
"Chloe Simon. Nice to meet you, Timmy." She said, while letting out her hand to let Timmy shake.
"Couple!" Whispered Sammy teasing Chloe in a revengeful way.
"Shut up!" Yelled Chloe.
"All of you quiet, today will be fun.." Sammy clapped.
After the day, Sammy came home with a hole backpack full of papers, pens, and what she needs to do. Maybe School will suck.
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