Migatzhi (Some violent themes)

My family used to call me Perdita, it means unspoken. I was born unto a family that would bring sorrow and cruelty. When I was kitted, my mama died and Kowel, my father, let his poisonous rage build on his heart, blinding him from all good. I was young at the time my father started to practice the dark arts. He became emotionless and cold, only talking to my eldest brother, Sini. At first I felt alone and ignored, then Cunir came along. She was beautiful, if I say so myself. She brought light to my life when I met her, and my brother was married to her. My brother, full of lust, didn’t wait on kitting Cunir, and soon I had a niece. My brother became like Kowel, cold and cruel. He hit Cunir often, and I didn’t know what to do. At the time, all I could do was watch and wait for my turn.
After a couple of years of this, anger was my enemy. Kowel had died, by my brother’s hand. I saw Sini do it. So did Cunir. Her light had left, but I stayed strong. To protect her and her child. I felt rage very often, but I hid it and hoped it would leave. One night, my brother took it too far. He beat Cunir to death. His friends laughed and made my niece watch. My rage had grown. I couldn’t take this anymore. This life was awful. I tried to get to my niece, but his friends held me down. They forced me to watch them sacrifice her. I will never forget those screams.
My rage had risen. All I saw was red. But I could hear them all, yelling in pain. My claws tore though them, and I heard laughter. Then I realized it was me. I enjoyed making them suffer. This cruel injustice must end. Kill them. Make them suffer as you had. There is no greater feeling then exacting revenge. The bloodlust I had, was overpowering. KILL! My mind screamed. Don’t stop until they’ve suffered enough. Then a serene calm filled my entire being. I could feel it seeping throughout my soul.
“Perdita, please… you’re scaring me…” I could see Cunir. She stood before me, a dissapointed look crossing over her features. Guilt had washed over me. I killed my brother. I killed them all. I dropped to my knees as I realized what I had done. My village was in ruin. Everyone died by my hand. Torn by guilt and sorrow, I looked at my sister, trying to show her how I feel. “You must leave. You have murdered in cold blood. I understand your rage at your brother. But you killed the entire village. You disgraced us, and must leave. Do not come back, Perdita. Our neighboring village had heard the screams, they will come and kill you if you do not leave. Now, go.” I felt her leave my soul, now I feel like a shell. The first time in ages I spoke.
“I’m sorry.” Then I ran. I ran as fast as I could. It did not matter where. Somewhere, anywhere, that will take me away from this personal hell.
I never wish to relive my past. I shall start anew.
Migatzhi is what they shall call me.
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