
"Lindsay! You're not helping!" I squealed in the phone as I grabbed my dog's leash from the coat hook. "Sorry! I wrote these ideas yesterday night!" Lindsay replied. I sighed and clipped the leash onto my dog's collar. I jogged outside. It was still dark. I think it was 5:00 AM. "Ok, ok maybe I can reconsider-" I covered my ears. "WOOF WOOF!" My dog barked happily. "What? I didn't hear." Lindsay said. "Walking my dog sorry!" I laughed. "Oh. Bye then!" Lindsay said. "Talk to you at school!" I said hanging up.
I noticed the amount of cars outside the gate of my neighborhood. I went to get a closer look. I never got to because as as approaching I saw two familiar faces. Jerome and Alex."Shut up already!" Yelled Jerome. "You're the one who should shut up!" Alex Serner replied. Jerome laughed. "You can't even come up with COMEBACKS!" Alex's face turned red with anger. I giggled at the sight. Some things would never change. things such as that rivalry.
~Lindsay's POV~ (regular pov)
I walked with Dawn to my locker. "I've come up with a master plan!" I exclaimed. I looked at Dawn. She wasn't looking motivated. "What if he's dating another person?!" Dawn helped. I rolled my eyes. "Then he would have gone to the dance with that person." I replied mockingly. Dawn sighed. First we had science. We had to choose whether to dissect cow organs or write a report on our unit using our laptops.
Dawn and I where the first ones willing to write the report. I looked at the organs and almost puked. I have to admit, school was a bit different without Zach. I remember the first day. Dawn, not sure who liked her, me with no love experience what-so-ever. that was different now. I guess I was getting way to deep and changed the subject in my mind. I continued typing up my boring report when the loudspeaker went off: "Alex Serner please report to the main office." Dawn and I exchanged the same look.
~Jerome's POV~
I laughed as Alex was called up to the office. Sadly, I was called shortly after. We sat wooden chairs far apart from each other, as if the principal was afraid we would try to rip each other's heads off. "You two often get reported here by other students." Principal Hair said. I chuckled. "Hair... explains her Beehive style hairdue." I made fun of her last name often, mainly since she always had CRAZY hairdues. Hair looked at Alex sympathetically. "I know how it feels to be bullied." She whispered to him. "I'm not surprised." I grumbled to myself. Hair shot me a dirty look.
"I'm here to help Alex!" She said. WHAT?! Who had reported this? Alex was the one who always picked the fights! I wasn't a bully of any sort! "I think you messed up." I started. Hair looked at me. "Detention after school Jerome!" She snapped. "Now Alex." Hair said twirling her hair. Suddenly a horrible thought came to me but I pushed it aside. "I'm here for you Alex.." Hair said taking her hair pin off. She looked at Alex in the eyes and I knew it was true. The PRINCIPAL WAS IN LOVE WITH ALEX SERNER! She must have noticed me turning green. "Jerome?" She asked. Then I rushed to the bathroom and puked and puked some more. That thought of the principal liking Alex. BLECH!
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Great ending, by the way!!!
Jared: *stares at table*
Dawn: *thinking* Just give it time...
Jared: *stares at table for 5 hours*