Chapter 17
A year has passed since their first case from Angelo, and ever since then, they help Lestrade in most of the cases. In multiple cases, people thought they were the murderers with how enthusiastic they are on the murders. Occasionally they would get their own clients, but other than that, the cases were boring.Elizabeth had gotten a violin, and Sherlock taught her how to play. Now they compose duets together, waking their neighbours at four in the morning. During the year, the had gotten a skull so whenever they annoyed Mrs Hudson, she would confiscate it from them. Molly and Elizabeth has became good friends, despite Molly having a small attraction to Sherlock. Elizabeth learnt to easily ignore it, while Sherlock was oblivious to it.
One day, when they were on a case, there was a note on the victim. It was addressed to Elizabeth. Elizabeth had opened the note, and read it out loud. “Well done Elizabeth Peyton, you are very close to solving this. You have two hours to solve this. Good luck darling, from M.”
“Obviously it isn't from my brother.” Sherlock states.
“Who cares,” Elizabeth shrugs. “Let's just solve this in two hours.” Elizabeth is lying, though. She is very worried for herself and the people around her, including Sherlock. Throughout the time with him, Elizabeth has started to become soft, turning more human. Now she cares for Sherlock a lot like a normal girlfriend.
They start solving the case, every once in a while Elizabeth would get secret texts from 'M'.
Ooh, you should start caring, darling.
You're getting closer, darling.
Tell me, are you scared?
Are you turning into a normal being?
Thirty minutes left, darling.
Elizabeth screams in frustration, and goes into her Mind Palace. She looks through all of the evidence and clues on the case, double checking everything. Sherlock looks at her in concern. He can see through her mask, she is secretly scared. Sherlock left her to her Mind Palace, and instead grab his violin and play a composed song for her; something calm and soothing. It was called Lizzy's Lullaby because ever since they started the cases, the dead bodies would give her nightmares. Sherlock gets them too, but it effects her more. Sherlock has a lullaby of his own from her, of course.
Sherlock starts playing the violin, and he sees his girlfriend visibly relax, making him smile. He loves it when she's relaxed and calm, not tense and a blank face. While playing the lullaby, Lestrade enters their flat not-too quietly. The door barges open, startling Sherlock from his song. “Have you solved it yet?” Lestrade asks them, unaware of what is happening.
“Lestrade!” Sherlock hisses sharply, looking to Elizabeth concerned. He relaxes his stance when he sees she's unaffected by the sudden guest.
“Sorry,” Lestrade whispers, looking at Elizabeth's limp form.
“This is taking a huge toll on her.” Sherlock mutters, playing the lullaby over again. “You know, because of that note left for her, and the fact there is only half an hour left.”
“I wonder why she's targeted.” Lestrade wonders. “This must be scary for you as well.”
“Of course it is.” Sherlock scoffs, still playing the lullaby. “She's the love of my life, and she's being threatened. Who knows what this might do to her.”
“Must've been hard to find someone like her for you.” Lestrade chuckles, sitting in the armchair across from Sherlock's.
“Not really.” Sherlock admits, sitting in his armchair without startling the song. “I was sitting on a bench at the park when I was little, and she was right beside me. She started speaking to me about her deductions.”
“Ha,” Lestrade chuckles. “You two were meant for each other, then.”
“I guess.” Sherlock grins softly, ending the lullaby. Just as he finished, Elizabeth jumps from the couch, and starts going on her laptop. “Lizzy? Love?” Sherlock asks concerned.
“Do you have something?” Lestrade asks eagerly, eyeing the time. Ten minutes left.
“I do.” she nods, logging onto their site. “I need to get this 'M' person's attention.” She then starts to type on their site.
It was the neighbour of the first victim, wasn't it.
Lestrade then receives a text message from an unknown. “It says, correct.” Lestrade tells them. “Wait, does that mean -”
“Yes,” Elizabeth interrupts him, closing her laptop. “I just solved the case. Go on then, Lestrade, arrest people like you usually do.”
Lestrade then left without another word. “Well done,” Sherlock praises. “You must be tired.”
“I am.” she replies, resting her head on his chest. Sherlock wraps his arms around her in a hug, before lifting her up into his arms. He then starts to carry her to their room.
Ever since that case, Sherlock has noticed Elizabeth hasn't been acting the same. She is more fidgety, easily startled when deep in thought, and barely talks to anyone, except Sherlock.
Sherlock hesitantly went to Elizabeth, who is looking down at something in his microscope. “Lizzy, dear?” he calls out hesitantly. Elizabeth looks up, staring at him confused.
“You never call me dear unless something is bothering you.” she states. “What's wrong?”
“Are you okay?” he asks straightforward. He didn't expect an immediate answer, so when she answered, he did not expect it to be blunt.
“No, I am not okay.”
“What's wrong?” he asks concerned.
“It's the 'M' guy.” Elizabeth mutters. “He's been in my mind for the past few weeks.”
“Why didn't you tell me?” he frowns. “I could help you.”
“Yeah, but the thing is,” she said, looking back down at the microscope. “You can't help me, William. This is something that I have to do myself. And I'm not saying that to be some hero, it's because I can't have you help me. It's against the rules.”
“Rules?” Sherlock frowns, “what rules?”
“This 'M' guy loves games.” she murmurs. “I'm just merely a pawn in this game. I have joined in the game, somehow.”
“But there must be a loop hole or something!” Sherlock exclaims, afraid of losing his lover.
“There isn't.” she shakes her head sadly. “That's why I need to leave next week.”
“What?” he panics. He grabs her by the shoulders, and shakes her lightly. “Are you crazy? Where are you gonna go? Why can't I join you?”
“I'm not crazy, William.” she says softly, taking his hands off her shoulders. “I'm just going to travel around, find out who this 'M' guy is and try to stop him. You can't go because you are luckily not in the game. If you were, all hell would break loose, and I might lose you in the game.”
“But I -” he chokes out, turning away from her. “I-I -” he sighs in frustration, ruffling his curls before turning to her with tears in his eyes. “I can't lose you!” he finally chokes out. “I can't live without you!” He sits down on a chair in sadness.
“You're just gonna have to for a little while.” she says sadly, bringing him into a hug, his head resting on her stomach. “I'll have the Homeless network keep an eye on you or something, perhaps even Mycroft. He can't say no to me.”
“Please. Stay.” Sherlock chokes out.
“Sherlock,” she whispers, calling him with the name he prefers. “I need you to know that I love you, and I will forever. You aren't going to lose me that quickly and easily.”
“We can still contact each other while you're gone, right?” he asks hopefully. Elizabeth purses her lips, thinking it over.
“I don't know.” she finally says. “I'll see if I can.”
“I love you.” Sherlock says, bringing her down onto his lap to give her a passionate kiss.
“I know.” she said against his lips. “I love you, too.”
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