The Final Exams

It's been a few weeks since the spar between (L/N) and I but we're both ready for this. We patiently wait as everyone else's partners and enemies are announced.
"And finally, Todoroki and (L/N) will be up against Aizawa."
The two of us glance at each other, smiling and high-fiving as Nezu continues on how the exams work. We head to our assigned stage and begin talking plans.
"I think the best option would be to run," She begins, "Aizawa-sensei is too quick and can stop us from fighting back pretty fast. I could hold him in place while you block his vision with ice and then we easily escape."
I nod, "Sounds like a solid plan. Just don't exhaust yourself in the first half."
She agrees and we step inside the stage together. A countdown starts soon enough and we burst into action as soon as it reaches one. We try to stay out of sight for as long as possible.
"Todo-kun, I got another idea."
A few minutes later, Aizawa has finally caught sight of us. Well, almost.
(L/N) uses her quirk to create a ball of energy around the both of us while I keep both of my sides frozen and on fire. This regulates the temperature inside our ball while also creating a cloud of steam and smoke to prevent our teacher from seeing us and erasing our quirks. She uses the rest of her energy to hold Aizawa in place as we run.
"Shit, I feel so tired." She mutters.
I watch as the forcefield around us flickers.
"Then do one last thing," I tell her, "Float this onto his arm and we'll pass."
She nods in a daze and does so, the alarm that we've won rings out just as (L/N)'s force-field drops. Aizawa gets up off the ground and approaches us with an impressed look on his face.
"Smoke and steam in a closed space to prevent me from seeing you, smart," He says, "This might be the fastest pass I've ever seen."
I glance at (L/N), she's completely passed out, unable to hear our teacher at all.
"It was all thanks to her," I mutter, "I barely did anything."
I pick up my sleeping classmate. As we walk to the surveillance room, she holds me closer, muttering in her sleep.
"I-I'm so sorry, Todo." She whispers in a dead sleep.
I wonder what she's dreaming about. Especially if she's apologizing to me for some reason. Suddenly, just as we enter the room, she bolts awake and nearly screams. She turns to me.
"Oh, thank god," She says, "It was just a dream."
I smile, setting her down, "What was it about?"
She blushes, "O-Oh nothing! Just almost failing the final exam."
I roll my eyes, "Whatever you say."
"Hey guys!" Uraraka greets, Iida following close by, "I'm assuming you both passed?"
I nod, glancing at my partner, "All thanks to (L/N)-chan."
She blushes, giggling and playfully punching my arm, "You were the one who snapped me out of sleeping and helped us pass!"
We argue about who should be crowned the person who helped the other pass until Iida eventually steps in.
"You two are bickering like an old married couple," He says, pulling us apart, "You're friends, are you not? Both of you helped each other pass. No one is better than the other."
We both take deep breaths.
"Yeah, I suppose you're right."
After everyone else's exams are over, we're allowed to head home. At school the next day, we're told about the upcoming training camp. I glance over to (L/N). She seems uncertain about going. But I'm sure we'll have some fun there.
Once the class is over, our classmates decide to have a day at the mall. I'm going to visit my mom, so I decide not to go with them. (L/N) is nowhere to be found, so I'm assuming she doesn't know or doesn't want to go with our classmates either.
A few hours later, after I visit my mom, I decide to call my classmate to check up on her.
"Hey (L/N)-chan," I greet as she answers the call.
"Hey Todo-kun," She responds, "What's up?"
Suddenly, I feel nervous, "Ah well, I was wondering if you'd like to come over. Perhaps for a gaming night?"
She giggles, "I didn't know you were a gamer."
"I suck at games."
"Then sure! I can come beat your ass. See you soon!"
Eventually, as I dazed in and out while staring our my winder, I notice (L/N) approach from the left of my driveway. She knocks on the door and I immediately head downstairs. Somehow, I still manage to get there too late. So when I turn the corner, I watch as my father opens the door instead and surprises her.
"Can I help you?"
She knows the truth, so the anger and hate she feels is already visible on her face and in her body language.
"Todoroki-kun invited me over," She replies, "I apologize if it disturbed you."
Her words are clearly laced with venom but my father is unfazed. He steps to the side and closes the door behind her. She heads straight for me and we completely forget about the last few seconds.
We sit down in front of my TV.
"So, what are we playing?" She asks.
"Definitely some Minecraft."
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