Genkina; Who Is She?

"That," he mutters, "Was very surprising."
Kaminari turns to (L/N), "Where did you learn to fight like that? You basically predicted all of our moves."
"You also knew our quirks." Iida points out.
"I learned your tactics and quirks from the sports festival," The (H/C)-haired girl responds, "I trained..with my parents a few years back."
"Oh, I'm sorry," Kaminari quickly says, rubbing the back of his neck, "I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories."
(L/N) chuckles, brightening the room with her smile, "It's alright, it was a while ago."
As the class continues to learn more about the new girl, sucking All Might in on their curiosity, Midoryia and I are wondering about her life.
"If her parents are dead," Midoryia says, "Which I think they are, considering her sensitivity on the subject. Then, why is she here? Didn't Aizawa-sensei say there was a miscommunication with her parents and that's why she didn't start with us?"
I swallow, "Maybe there's more to this.."
Eventually, it becomes lunchtime. Iida, Midoryia, and Uraraka ask me to sit with them. They're all pretty curious about (L/N) and the reason why there was a miscommunication that prevented her from starting the year off with us.
"Is it just me, or is it a little suspicious that (L/N)-chan came just after the U.S.J incident?" Midoryia mutters, scratching his chin.
I shake my head, "I agree that it's strange, but can't we at least give her a chance to prove herself? We can't assume she's the bad guy without evidence."
Uraraka nods, "Let's just see if anything else happens before we start jumping to conclusions. She seems nice, she has a good quirk for hero work. I think she's genuinely here like the rest of us are. To be a hero."
The rest of the day is pretty normal, filled with writing exercises and homework. The next day, Aizawa stands at the front of the class with a few announcements.
"Today you'll be coming up with your hero aliases," He says, "But first, concerning the pro draft picks I mentioned the other day. It's based on who the pros think will be ready to join the hero workforce after another two or three years of experience. So you could say that it's a way for them to show interest in your futures."
He clicks a button and the draft picks appear behind him on the board. Seconds later, the entire class realizes that (L/N) never got the chance to be apart of the sports festival.
"Wait, this is unfair!" Kaminari yells out, pointing to the (H/C)-haired girl, "(L/N)-chan never got the chance to take part in the sports festival, shouldn't there be some way for her to get a draft pick?"
The girl chuckles, rubbing the back of her neck, "It's alright. I'm sure I can get some spotlight some other time."
Without thinking, I speak up, "I can see if my father can take you in, if you'd like. I'm sure he wouldn't mind."
She turns to me, not responding. It takes her a few seconds before she finally nods, "Okay. Thank you, Todoroki-kun."
So we spend a few minutes coming up with hero names, I only choose my first name since I don't want anything fancy.
(L/N) is the final person to go.
"(L/N)-chan," Midnight says, "It's your turn."
Taking a deep breath, the girl gets out of her chair and heads to the front of the room with her whiteboard in hand.
"I-I had no ideas for a hero name yet.." She says, "S-So I came up with this," She slams the board on the podium, showing us all, "The energetic and high-spirited hero, Genkina!"
(Kanji: 元気な)
(A/N): I chose this as your name because you use energy for everything you do. I thought it'd be cool as a reference to your quirk. It essentially means "Full of Life." Which could be a reference to the energy storage ability you have.
I hope you guys like this better than my other hero names from previous books. (Ultimate Girl, Legendary Lass, Twister.) Ugh, it's giving me flashbacks.
"Woah, that's so creative!" Midnight cheers, clasping her hands together.
I smile, saying the name again in my head. It almost feels like I could say it forever. A few weeks later, it's time for our internships. I convinced my dad to take in (L/N), so the three of us and the rest of his agency are heading to Hosu in search of the Hero Killer.
She seems almost scared to be here. As we're walking, I turn to her.
"Are you alright?"
She freezes for a second before finally looking up at me and straightening her posture, "Yeah, I-I'm fine."
I was going to continue but my father suddenly yelled out to us.
"Shoto, Genkina, there are villains!" He says, "Come help us!"
Before we can catch up, I get a notification from the group chat. Part of me knows that it's important, so I open it up. Midoryia has sent his location.
Why would he do that?
I realize that he might be in danger.
I grab (L/N)'s hand, pulling her with me as I run off. I yell to my father the address as we run to the alleyway. I can tell that the girl I'm pulling with me is quite confused, but she says nothing. When we finally arrive, Midoryia and Iida are stuck on the ground with a nearby pro-hero in the same condition.
(L/N) freezes at the sight of the villain, trembling. I realize at that moment that I shouldn't have brought her with me. I should've just let her stay with my father, where it was safer. I curse under my breath and explain how we knew to come here. The villain charges, but I keep him at bay with my quirk. Eventually, (L/N) finally decides to use her quirk.
Her body slowly becomes enveloped in (F/C) electricity. Stain, the hero killer becomes fixated on her as she 'powers up'.
I turn to him with a small grin, firing both of my quirks at him. Midoryia explains what they think his quirk is while the villain throws his knife at me. I attempt to dodge but it gets my cheek anyhow. He gets closer and I notice his katana in the air. He takes the chance to pull me closer and try to lick the blood from his knife's cut. I make him launch back with my left side.
Stain stops in his tracks, staring at (L/N) once again. All of us turn as soon as she grunts. She's tense, as I can tell by her muscles. Her eyes are completely (F/C) as a barrier of a darker shade of the color appears thanks to the nearby lamppost.
She stares at Stain with a look that seems almost full of anger and hatred. She takes a step forward. The ground beneath her feet cracks until it also cracks my ice and eventually reaches just below the villain.
He glances down and then back up, just in time for her to fly over with her fist powered by kinetic energy.
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